Welcome to the Medical Matrix: the Flu isn’t the Flu

Mind-Body Medicine identifies the kinds shock-conficts that will trigger an intelligent biological survival program in support of the resolution of that conflict. The symptoms are certainly observable however the medical diagnosis of “flu” along with all the other nonsense regarding causes is a fear-based scam. Even if there is a verifiable printout of a microscopic virus that too is serving an intelligent biological survival purpose of “house cleaning”. If you want to avoid these aspects of nature then periodically induce a “fever” via sauna, steam room, hot baths or the like. Works like a charm!

The Global Power Shift

Need to know the “natal” data that the “US chart” (referred to in this article) is based on.

Age of Transition

It’s well known China is on the rise in world power while the US is descending. The segments of astrology charts below show a continuation and acceleration of that trend over the next several years. Transits are shown in red and progressed planets in green, unless it is a transit only chart. The charts used are the accepted national charts of each country. For the US the 2nd house of national wealth is emphasized. For China, the 1st house of national character.

Saturn in Capricorn (2018 – 2020)

Saturn starts 2018 in Capricorn. Its last transit there (1988 – 91) produced the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Gulf War, a US recession, and the Japanese stock and real estate crash. Russia had nearly a decade of depression after. Japan was left with at least one “lost decade.” Currently the UK is set to…

View original post 448 more words

The Medical Press Police (Parts 1 & 2)

Part 1: The Truth About Medical Journals

The illusion called medical journalism: the deep secret – by Jon Rappoport

First Published  11/25/2016

I have a professor friend whose work includes medical anthropology who has consistently asserted that articles published in a medical journal are the leading authoritative reference on new treatment or product assessment. That may have been largely true back when the professor was a student however the times have changed now and the changes have unfortunately impacted and according to Jon Rapoport[1] the reliability of possibly half the articles now published in medical journals.

Part 2:

January 18, 2017 –

My “Freedom Calendar” of 2010 indicated January 20th as the day that: “AMA Journal BRAGGED About HAVING CONTROL OVER MEDICAL ARTICLES in UNITED PRESS – 1940” (All caps used in the calendar.) I researched this and found the following:

“The Journal of the American Medical Association on January 20, 1940, bragged that the United Press had been induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to ‘clear’ through its New York Bureau and so-called science editor.”[2]

And another quote like the above:
“…The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the organ of the Medical Syndicate in the U.S., had bragged as far back as January 20, 1940, that the United Press had been induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to ‘be cleared’ through its New York bureau and ‘science editors.’—Hans Ruesch, 1982 (Naked Empress p102)”[3]

Apparently the January 20, 1940 issue is archived online[4] in the form of a number of PDFs however it is a mystery to me as to which title might contain the “bragging”.

Just requested librarian research assistance as follows:


I’m seeking a specific quote that is reportedly in the January 20, 1940 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

I wish to cite the exact quote regarding the United Press issuing a directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to ‘be cleared’ through its New York bureau and ‘science editors.’

So far I found http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/issue/114/3
offering a number of PDFs however I don’t see article titles that indicate my subject matter. I wonder if this journal issue had an editor’s comment (or other non-article entry) containing the statement I’m seeking.

Would it be possible for your to research this?

January 19th –

Success! The good research librarian people at UCSD came through with exactly what I had hoped for! The following is a direct quote from the above mentioned journal:


Only those closely associated with modern trends in publication are familiar with the vast improvement that has been taking place relative to the publication of news of scientific advances. A bulletin recently issued by the United Press to its bureau managers and division managers is worthy of quotation. It reads:

It seems advisable to restate our traditional policy concerning handling stories of “cures” or other medical developments.This policy, which dates back more than twenty years, is never to call anything a cure, or in fact give any publicity to any remedy of any description, without a thorough investigation.

This rule is now being strengthened by the following:

Under no circumstances put any story on the leased wire about a remedy. If the bureau manager is convinced that the story has merit, he should overhead it to New York for investigation and consideration there.[5]

For the “Journal” to write “cures” is to add a negative “spin” to the more neutral term: remedy. For millennia we have had golf medicine offering folk remedies. That is a common law right of the people. But when it comes to publishing these remedies in the modern day press (of the last century) which is not a “free press” (by any definition of the term) “common law rights of the people” are disregarded with impunity! That is what it is however to discount the validity of the people’s remedies may be a potential cause for “indigestion” (at the very minimal end of the spectrum) or sudden death syndrome (at the maximum end).


[1] https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2016/11/17/the-illusion-called-medical-journalism-the-deep-secret/

[2] http://www.wellwithin1.com/TheDrugStoryBeale.htm

[3] http://www.whale.to/vaccines/ruesch_q.html

[4] http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/issue/114/3

[5] January 20, 1940 under “Current Comment” –
JAMA. 1940;114(3):252. doi:10.1001/jama.1940.02810030052016:

Evolving Nutritional Awareness – By Chef-Doctor Jemichel

Nutrition Works Well Only When The Food Is Digested!

Part 8 in a continuing series on the components of good nutrition.

Original Published:   8/3/2012 (viewed 3629 times at CureZone)

From a number of perspectives it appears that “It doesn’t matter what we eat; it only matters what we digest.”[4]

Not so long after the idea was presented to me that “a peanut butter and jelly sandwich has all the nutrition that we need” I was introduced to the work of Adelle Davis through a member (or two) in my local Church. The idea of “you are what you eat”[1] came along at that same time. Regardless of the credibility issues of Adelle Davis[2], I had initially ignited my “evolving nutrition awareness” with a sincere lust for the truth of what makes for good nutrition and that passionate flame has continually propelled me into deeper ongoing investigations into all that makes for truly good nutrition. Soon, the importance of good digestion became an essential foundation for developing my criteria for making dietary evaluations.

This essential foundation is referred to in the “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD I produced with Mark McAfee and Dr. Dale Jacobson (DC) who said “it’s not what you eat but what you digest”. Dale spoke about the ease of digestion with fermented foods. I have been emphasizing the inclusion of lacto-fermented foods for over fifteen years and I’m so completely convinced of this dietary truth (well-noted by Dr. Weston A. Price) that I intend to continue to advocate lacto-fermented foods for the rest of my life!

Because nutrition is good only if the food that you consume is digested!

Also related:
“Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods”[5]

GMOs and GMO “foods” are not completely digestible. The GMOs are able to survive the digestive process and take up residency in the gut of their hosts, whether human or animal hosts. Therefore, GMO “foods” do not qualify in my evaluations as truly good nutrition.

May 18, 2015 –

Digestion is a holistic process that includes the psyche! –

In my personal evolving nutritional awareness over the past couple years (that have transpired since I started this blog on the digestion component of nutrition) I’ve realized that human digestion of food is truly holistic and that therefore the food itself is only possibly about half of the whole nutrition picture! Imagine that – all the heavy (and consequentially unbalanced) emphasis that has been placed on dietary “correctness” (politically correct nutrition[3] and the object of that microscopic focus is at best maybe half of what all of real nutrition is actually all about! Following are just two of many many references for you at this time to substantiate this statement.[6]

January 9, 2016 –

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov –

“…What do you do when you eat? Before sending your food down to the stomach to be digested, you chew it. If you swallow it without chewing it sufficiently your organism cannot assimilate it completely. This why it is recommended to chew your food for a long time, until it is almost liquid and disappears in your mouth.

You should also not leave the table feeling completely satisfied; it is better to have a slight sensation of hunger. Why? So as to leave some work for the etheric body to do. Your etheric body is motivated to look for other, more subtle nourishment on a higher level and in a few moments, not only will you no longer feel hungry, but you will feel full of new energy, both physical and psychic.”[7]

March 20, 2016 –

When I was a child growing up I could eat virtually anything and almost never got stomach aches. I don’t remember getting really sick to my stomach until I started including alcoholic beverages. (If I only knew then what I now know about hard liquor I think I could have spared myself “needless suffering”!) In any case – by the time I was in my early twenty’s I took a sincere interest in nutrition and especially in integrating the new principals I was learning into my diet. In doing so I became more aware of my digestion and how I felt in my gut after eating. Consequently my diet changed and soon I no longer ate as “freely” as I did in my younger years. Years later I learned about bitters. I’ve used them before as a product. Now I have the opportunity to make my own bitters and I’m really excited about that as I have had this DIY approach to bitters mentally noted on my “list”![8]

March 21st –

Inquired with my local co-op about the prime bitter herb of gentian and also found an extensive article on it with the following recipes.:

“Lewis, in his Experimental history of the Materia medica (1791), gives this formula; it is one that is often found in materia medicas throughout the period, and on into this century both in Europe and the United States.

1 ounce dried gentian root
1 ounce fresh lemon peel
0.2 ounces dried orange peel

‘Simmer this mixture for an hour or two in three quarters of a pint of boiling water [to] make a very elegant bitter.’

Lewis also quotes the official compound gentian tincture from the Pharmacopoeia Londenensis and again, this formula and its variations are very often used, even today.

Macerate the following mixture in an ounce of proof spirit (100 proof vodka will do).

1 ounce dried gentian root
0.4 ounces dried orange peel
0.2 ounces cardamom seed

Shake the mixture daily, and after 2 weeks, squeeze out the liquid and filter. Wine and other spirits can be substituted for vodka. Dose: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon half hour before meals.”[9]

April 3rd –

Inspired (at bath time) with “The Alchemy of Digestion” that I then noted for a search. My search results include the “visual poem”:

“LEAF TEAT CURD RIND, 2011 by Elaine Tin Nyo … presents the transfiguration of grass to a soft-ripened goat cheese. … the process was chronicled in a slideshow … during the course of the exhibition, fresh goat cheese made by the artist will ripen and develop a bloomy rind. The alchemy of digestion is considered at several stages: grass by goat, goat milk by rennet, curd by bacillus, cheese by human.”[10]

May 26th, 2016 –

According to “the science of differentiation …
everybody has a unique digestive process. You’re
not here to eat like the next person. And none of this has anything to do with food, funny enough, because it doesn’t. It has to do with digestion and the circumstances and conditions upon which it is best for you to eat.”

October 16th, 2016 –

Both Good Digestion and Digesting Food Well are ongoing requirements for good health and well being. My sense is that better education is needed for both these requirements. I’m responding to that need whenever I see additional contributions that can be made to our Evolving Nutritional Awareness. I believe Ayurvedic Medicine can offer “additional contributions.

“According to Ayurveda, Ojas is the subtle essence that is responsible for life, radiant health, strong immunity, vigor, longevity and overall well being of an individual. The subtle essence called ojas that is extracted from the proper digestion and efficient metabolism of food nourishes the bodily tissues of blood, plasma and lymph, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow, semen and ojas. Ojas also forms the basic material of the five sense organs, ligaments and lubricating fluids. Improper digestion leads to production of ama or toxins in the body. The accumulation of ama/toxins in the bodily tissues is what leads to disease.”[12]


September 4, 2017 – Inspired tonight by listening to Dr. David Jockers (DC) in his interview on the Digestive Health Summit.


Start at the Stomach

Although a small amount of starch is broken down in the mouth, thanks to amylases in your saliva, the stomach is where the first real action is—where powerful chemicals of digestion are mixed with the food mass. If these digestive juices, including hydrochloric acid, pancreatic juice and bile, are in short supply, the whole process gets off to a poor start.

Traditional herbalists all over the globe agree that herbs with a bitter taste tend to promote digestive secretions and speed up digestion. Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is the most popular digestive bitter in Western herbalism. Europeans often drink a bitter aperitif (an ounce or so of a bitter herbal beverage) before the first bite of a meal, to stimulate digestive secretions and keep food passing through rapidly. Bitter herbs reduce gas, bloating, symptoms of food allergies and indigestion. Other bitter digestants include barberry root (Berberis vulgaris), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and artichoke (Cynara scolymus).

Carminative herbs warm up the digestive tract, speed up and increase the thoroughness of digestion, and reduce gas. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), dill (Anethum graveolens), cumin (Cuminum cyminum), caraway (Carum carvi) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) are carminative.”[13]

Also ginger, peppermint, coriander, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary.

Good Digestion!


[1]“Ludwig Feuerbach … was the thinker who … coined the well-known expression, ‘Man is what he eats.’ … this conviction emerged from his completely one-sided, materialistic way of thinking. … Significantly, the birth of the science of nutrition occurred during this time and was therefore dominated by views which considered matter to be the only constituent of man and the world – matter, however, whose essence was understood by no one. … ” :”The Dynamics of Nutrition”:

[2] Her birthday of 25 February 1904 gives her the King of Clubs as her Birth Card in the Destiny Cards. The King of Clubs is “The Master of Knowledge” and “holds everything needed to be an authority in any area they choose”. This birthday also put her on “The Way of Artistry” with a “pitfall” that included “devious”.

[3] Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

[4] http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/enzymes/Enzymes-The-Key-to-Longevity/?utm_sour…


[6] First reference –
Enjoy content-rich (food-for-thought) free videos!:


Second reference –

The down side of digestion includes many “undigestible” things where the physiology of indigestion comes into play during both the active phase of conflicts in the psyche as well as the healing phase once the conflict is resolved.:


Especially see: “Function and Malfunction of the Organs of the Human Digestive System”. In that section is a reference to “strabismus”. Here’s a definition:


[7] http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=36e1929b913daa1ccbf270e27&id=78e3d0caf7&e=cb715dbd8a

[8] http://thesoakedbean.com/2016/03/20/chamomile-bitters/

[9] http://www.christopherhobbs.com/library/articles-on-herbs-and-health/gentian-a-bitter-pill-to-swallow/

[10] http://www.liptonarts.com/digging-deeper/

[11] http://humandesign.wdfiles.com/local–files/start/The%20Differentiation%20Lectures.pdf

[12] https://yachnayoga.wordpress.com/yoga-asans/ojas-tejas-and-prana/

[13] http://www.motherearthliving.com/Health-and-Wellness/digestive-herbs-zm0z12amzdeb


nutrition, digestion, fermented foods, lacto-fermented, dale jacobson, Adelle Davis, Genetically Engineered Foods, gmo foods, gmos, medicine, german new medicine, gastrointestinal, disease, psychology, healing, indigestion, undigestible, strabismus, assimilation, Ayurveda, Ojas, ginger, peppermint, coriander, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, Carminative herbs, Dr. David Jockers, Digestive Health Summit

Re-writting History

Inspired during my hearing of a report from a professor friend regarding political debates in America that included a general reference made to “The Constitution”. I replied saying the idea that government is based solely on this Constitution doesn’t follow historical fact as it is only one fourth of the Organic Laws and as such is required to be read in light of the other three Organic Laws. The professor agreed! American History has been re-written!

First Published:   7/29/2016 at CureZone.com

1984[1] is possibly the leading narrative on the necessity for re-writing history whenever government deems it in its best interest.

We in the u.s. of A. have been long past “1984” as a (de facto) reality. The history here that has long been re-written (as early as September 17, 1787) when the fourth “Organic Law” in the form of the writing of “the Constitution” was completed. Probably, the most important particular “history” that was re-written at that time was in regards to the validity of the second Organic Law: The Articles of Confederation (1777).

The new Federalist claimed that their new Constitution replaced the second Organic Law however replacement would have required a lawful repealing of the later and that simply never ever occurred. The difference between the historical truth and rewritten history in this instance is the difference between genuine liberty and “doublethink”.

August 2nd –

I’m posting the following here rather than start a new blog-post as I begin to research about The California Republic’s original constitution that I believe “guaranteed” free higher education to it’s Citizens.

In the process of my research I found this to be of interest:

“… Although tradition speaks of the unfurling of the Stars and Stripes immediately after the Declaration of Independence, there is no definite evidence of the use of the flag of thirteen stars and thirteen stripes prior to its adoption by the American
Congress. George Henry Preble, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., in
his “History of the Flag of the United States of America,” has
this to say :

‘Beyond a doubt, the thirteen stars and stripes were unfurled at the battle of Brandywine, September 11, 1777, eight days
after the official promulgation of them at Philadelphia, …'”[2]

The following is from the “archive”[2] and may be my main reference and basis for a letter to the UC regents:


Inalienable rights.

Section 1. All men are by nature free and independent, and
have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoy-
ing and defending life and liberty ; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, § 1]

The superior “Declaration of Rights” should be based on the phrase “unalienable Rights” exactly as it is written in the first Organic Law: The Declaration of Independence.

The two terms: “unalienable” and “inalienable” have distinctively different meanings.[3]

[Now (11:06 AM on Tuesday, August 2nd) I’m convinced that this particular post: “Re-writting History” is the perfect place for this additional posting as I read at the adask.wordpress.com:

“… the Jefferson Memorial includes an excerpt from the ‘Declaration of Independence’ attributed to Jefferson that referred to our ‘inalienable Rights’. But the text of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ expressly refers to our ‘unalienable Rights’. Thus, the ‘Declaration of Independence’ is misquoted in 12″ high letters that are carved in stone.”

Purpose of government.

Sec. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Govern-
ment is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the
people, and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good mav require it. [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, §2]

[Comment] Do UC Regents declare any kind of “oath of office” that includes supporting this constitution? I’ve not seen one. If the Regents do declare their allegiance to the “spirit of the (American and then California) Law” then the people need to hold the Regents accountable to their declarations and to supporting “the protection … of the people” who in this instance are students – firstly by protecting their unalienable Rights to “enjoying and defending (their) life and liberty; … pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness” without risk of injury (as is known to have occurred with vaccinations).

The 6th –

I have made minor edits above to reflect the answers I’ve received from the California State Library regarding the University regents. The Librarian (like myself) did not find any prescribed oaths for the Regents. IMO – oaths are essential for “office-holders” when their functions are primarily one of public trust in service to the people of the area they serve. I’m surprised not to see an “oath” readily available in the California Constitution for the Regents.

The Regents apparently co-wrote the University of California’s new requirement, that they passed last year, for all students to have their MMR, TdaP, Varicella and Meningococcal conjugate shots before the first day of school. There are several areas of issues regarding this including legal issues however I present an additional perspective that some may automatically think is “legal” whereas the foundation I am pointing is actually one of fundamental Law namely the Organic Laws of the United States of America. It is somewhat a “knee-jerk reaction” to think in legal terms as is so often the case in a litigious society and yet loose sight of what comes before the legal system. In such a state I feel the necessity to return to the foundation, not only for the Regents to refer to but especially for the students to be empowered by, possibly “enlightened” by.

I count it a real misfortune that American history as it is taught in the school system is compromised. If we are to continue as an American people we must recover our history. You could say that I’m on a mission for that purpose – The Recovery of American History.

The Declaration of Independence is the first of four Organic Laws the cornerstone of American Law. Without it we do not have American Law or an American Nation. The Constitution of September 17, 1787 is the fourth Organic Law and it naturally comes after the first. Referring to this Constitution as if it were the only foundation for America is truly problematic because it’s true standing can only be within the context of the first Organic Law. If the “Constitution” is “divorced” from the Declaration of Independence then we are without our “North Star” as our guiding light. We must “hold these truths to be self evident” or we are subject to whatever the prevailing political winds of the day may be. We must know that “Life” includes our individual health and total well-being that is our natural unalienable Right meaning that it can not be given away or compromised by anything including an institution’s “requirement” under color of institutional law and/or in the name of public health. There is no public health without healthy individuals – the only place where health begins. (Health is actually another area of issues regarding vaccinations.)

The second Organic Law is The Articles of Confederation wherein every State is bond to honor the freedom of its “free inhabitants”, who are free from external government as that is completely congruent with the first Organic Law that finally rejected external government.

10th –

Continuing on the above theme regarding “vaccinations” even though I have sent off my letter to the UC Regents as I now have some additional “leads” regarding deep issues with the law.

In the process I discovered the following book: “Restore The Republic”. Serendipitously the forward by Ron Paul speaks to a “redefinition” that is expressed in a Congressional Research Service report that I took note of regarding the Commerce Clause and that I do not agree with.

“… the commerce clause originally was intended as a limited grant of federal power to allow the federal government to ensure free-trade between the states. ‘Progressive’ lawyers, judges, politicians, and academics attacked this accepted understanding, however, and redefined the commerce clause as a general grant of power to regulate all areas of our economic and personal lives. …” Ron Paul in the Forward to Jonathan Emord’s book “Restore the Republic” (2012).[4]

Jonathan begins his Introduction (after a quote from Madison) with: “The United States has lost its constitutional identity.”

I don’t think there is more precise wording that can be assembled to express the mammoth truth of this statement. The more I contemplate it the more profound it becomes in my awareness! To know the depth and breadth of the truth in this statement (IMO) requires a graduate level understanding of the four Organic Laws of The United States of America. That is because the three preceding Organic Laws are required as a collective context for a true understanding of the last Organic Law: the Constitution of September 17, 1787. This last Organic law didn’t suddenly appear out of no where! In fact it is a direct extension of the second Organic Law: The “Articles of Confederation”, a Law that is still recognized in the set of four by the United States Government Printing Office in the publication of “United States Code” where on the title page of Volume One it reads: “Organic Laws” followed by “Title 1”.

Understanding the four Organic Laws will give you a true historical perspective of the “United States” whereby you will see that that the “United States” is distinctly preceded by “The United States of America” in both the first and second Organic Laws; that the “United States” pertains to property owned by “The United States of America” as set forth in the Northwest Territory as represented in the third Organic Law: “Ordinance of 1787: The Northwest Territorial Government”. A “myopic” focus just on the “Constitution” does not necessarily include the greater and very essential context of the complete foundation for “the last Organic Law: the Constitution of September 17, 1787”.

Also – More on “Unalienable”:

“…1778, John Jay … in an essay entitled. ‘A Freeholder, A Hint to the Legislature of the State of New York’ …The undoubted right and unalienable privilege of a freeman …”:

The 11th –

From Black’s Law Dictionary –

“Incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferred.”[5]

“Not subject to alienation …”[6]

Although both of these legal terms share the core term of “lien[7] these are actually two different terms with separate and distinct meanings. The difference is between “incapable” and “not subject to”.

The 12th –

Alfred Adask explains the difference:

At first glance the two terms seem pretty much synonymous. However, while the word “inalienable” is “not subject to alienation,” the word “unalienable” is “incapable of being aliened”. I believe the distinction between these two terms is this:

“Unalienable” is “incapable” of being aliened by anyone, including the man who holds something “unalienable”. Thus, it is impossible for any individual to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of an “unalienable Right”. It is impossible for you to take one of my “unalienable rights”. It is likewise impossible for me to even voluntarily surrender, sell or transfer one of my “unalienable rights”. Once I have something “unalienable,” it’s impossible for me to get rid of it. It would be easier to give up the color of my eyes or my heart than to give up that which is “unalienable”.

That which is “inalienable,” on the other hand, is merely “not subject to alienation”. Black’s 2nd does not declare that it’s absolutely impossible for that which is “inalienable” to be sold, transferred or assigned. Instead, I believe that “inalienable” merely means that “inalienable rights” are not subject to “alienation” by others. That is, no one can compel me to sell, abandon or transfer any of my “inalienable” rights. I am not “subject” to compelled “alienation” by others.

But that leaves open the question of whether I may am entitled to voluntarily and unilaterally sell, transfer, abandon or otherwise surrender that which is “inalienable”. Thus, while it is impossible for me to abandon, or for government to take, my “unalienable rights,” it is possible for me to voluntarily waive my “inalienable” rights. I strongly suspect that our gov-co presumes that our rights are at best “inalienable,” and that since we have not expressly claimed them, we could have and therefore must have waived them.[8]

I highly encourage your clear understanding of the above distinction. Let there be no doubt in your thoughts or in your heart about all your Rights both your natural unalienable Rights as well as your inalienable rights.

Alfred Adask continues to articulate the difference:

If we look at Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (A.D. 1856) we’ll see:

“INALIENABLE. A word denoting the condition of those things the property in which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another. …”

“UNALIENABLE. Incapable of being transferred. Things which are not in commerce, … The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.”

Clearly, the words are not synonymous. While “inalienable” rights can’t be “lawfully” transferred “to another,” they might nevertheless be waived by the holder or perhaps “unlawfully” (privately??) “transferred” to someone else. However, those rights which are “unalienable” are absolutely incapable of being transferred lawfully, unlawfully, administratively, privately or by implication or operation of law. That which you have, which is “unalienable,” is your wrists in an absolute sense that cannot possibly be discarded, transferred, sold, or otherwise abandoned.

Also, note that the word “unalienable” describes things which are “not in commerce”. However, it appears that those things which are “inalienable” could be “in commerce”. As you know, much of the trouble we have with the modern government is based on government’s claim of power to regulate all that is involved in interstate commerce. In so far as you may be able to prove that any item or right you seek to use or exercise is “unalienable,” that item or right would be beyond the power of our government to regulate under interstate commerce. You can see the power potential in “unalienable”.

Most importantly, as declared in the “Declaration of Independence,” all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Our unalienable rights flow from God and are not subject to man’s meddling. Bouvier’s agrees by defining “unalienable” as including our “natural” rights (which flow from “nature’s God”).

I would encourage you to underscore: “You can see the power potential in ‘unalienable'” in every way that you can. What is unalienable is absolutely beyond the jurisdiction of Congress! What is beyond the jurisdiction of Congress is not subject to governmental regulations. Let your unalienable Rights be your reality! Let all things to the country be the illusionary fiction that they truly are.

August 13, –

The importance of human history lies in its meaning. Answering this question (one of eight) is a requirement that helps characterize one’s world view: “What is the meaning of human history?”[9]

the 24th –

Although we have a virtually undisputed history in the court room referred to below you won’t find the inspiration for the making of the German dictator included in the United States history books.

In a suggested letter by Ed Rivera to presidential candidates Ed quotes from a DVD version of the Nuremberg Trial. I had to verify that quote before posting it here. I just found it at Amazon:

“Stahmer cued Goring to explain where the idea had come from to combine the ceremonial head of state and the head of government in one person, Adolf Hitler. That was simple, Goring explained. They had taken their example from the similar dual roles of the president of the United States.” –
Nuremberg : Infamy on Trial Reprint Edition
by Joseph E. Persico[10]

I find this a rather electrifying verification. Now I’d like to see how close I can get to the court transcripts!

In the meanwhile here’s another reference to the above:

“Goring even claimed that when Hitler subverted Germany’s republican constitution by amalgamating the offices of chancellor and president, he was merely emulating the powers of the office of President of the United States, which merged the roles of head of government and head of state.”[11]

Author of the above quoted article provided me with two links. One to: “The International Military Tribunal for Germany – Contents of The Nuremberg Trials Collection” at the Lillian Goldman Law Library 127 Wall Street, New Haven, Conn.. I need to contact their librarian.[12]

August 26th –

There are two different offices of President referred to in the American Constitution of September 17, 1787.[13]

Also found an impressive old newspaper with article on the combined offices that were given to Hitler.[14]

“Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. … in private Hitler had expressed hope that ‘the old reactionary’ would die soon so that he could merge the two offices of president and Chancellor together. …”[15]

Plus: A “… course was adopted for curtailing the (separate) powers of the president. One prerogative after another was taken from Hindenburg, as in the second Reichstag Fire Decree the right to appoint national commissioners …, and in the Enabling Act the right to issue decree laws. As for the balance, Hindenburg’s death was awaited. When he did die in August 1934, Hitler could have had himself or some puppet elected president. But he preferred combining the two offices of president and chancellor by decree, subsequently sanctioned by plebiscite.”[16]

August 28th –

Cont. research Re: the Nuremberg Trials:

“… Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Allied Control Council (ACC) Law No. 10, October 1946-April 1949.

Originally, a second international trial at Nuremberg was to have focused primarily on the activities of German finance and industry during the Third Reich. The so-called ‘industrialists trial,’ was widely regard(ed) as of equal importance to the prosecution of the Nazi and SS high command. The United States vetoed this plan, declaring in the autumn of 1945 that it would refuse to participate in any further international trials and would hold separate prosecutions on its own.”[17]

29th –

Sent email message to author Joseph Persico asking for his assistance in accessing an online source of the Nuremberg trial transcripts.

September 12,

Got a reply from a family member of Joseph Persico informing me that he had crossed the threshold.

Further research regarding Hitler’s rise to power gave me what I call the connecting surface dots except for the financing. Now I have both surface and backing in one article.[18]

Sept. 18th –

It appears that Hitler (with the essential help he needed from others) had accomplished in a relatively short period of just a few years what it took the government of the “United States” about 214 years to accomplish.

The 19th –

More “Unalienable”:

“… unalienable rights are God’s laws and written laws must, as supported by the Declaration of Independence, apply only to a government whose purpose it is to secure those unalienable rights for the people. Complex and intricate bureaucratic government institutions are meant to ensnare those looking for the simple application of God’s unwritten law. Government laws must conform with God’s laws, so as with all written laws loopholes abound in government laws. …”[19]


October 11th, 2016 –

Strange as it may seem – the idea of having the Constitution of September 17, 1787 be the sole guarantee of our liberty is an idea that is not actually founded on Organic American Law. The popularity of the idea does not make it true. The endorsement by organizations does not make it true. Even if those organizations offer a virtual “Library of Law and Liberty” it still does not make “the Constitution, even with the “Bill of Rights” the sole  guarantee of our liberty.

In light of this I offered the following to such an organization for their consideration.

Greetings Fellow Freedom Lovers!
Thank you for the “12 Key Concepts of Liberty”:
I appreciate: The 5th listed concept: “limited government”.
I’d like to offer a comment in regards to the first point: “governmental power limited by means of a constitution and/or bill of rights”.
I think we would agree that this particular concept is one of the first references that Americans make in regards to preserving their liberty. Unfortunately the idea of having “governmental power limited by means of a constitution” has not been successful if we are honest about the facts of government’s expansion beyond the so-called constitutional limits. Does your organization acknowledge this? If so would it be possible to have a forum opened for discussion on this particular subject matter?


[1] “Nineteen Eighty-four (published in 1949), a novel (George Orwell) wrote as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism. The novel is set in an imaginary future in which the world is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book’s hero, the Englishman Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of those states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government, which perpetuates its rule by systematically distorting the truth and continuously rewriting history to suit its own purposes.”:


[2] https://archive.org/stream/constitutionofs00cali/constitutionofs00cali_djvu.txt

[3] https://adask.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/unalienable-vs-inalienable/

[4] https://www.amazon.com/Restore-Republic-Jonathan-Emord/dp/098499131X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331529625&sr=8-1

[5] http://thelawdictionary.org/letter/u/page/3/

[6] http://thelawdictionary.org/letter/i/page/24/

[7] Lien –
“A qualified right of property which a creditor has in or over specific property of his debtor, as security for the debt or charge or for performance of some act. …”:

[8] https://adask.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/unalienable-vs-inalienable/#comment-67648

[9] The Universe Next Door A BASIC WORLDVIEW CATALOGUE; September 2010 – Introduction:

[10] https://www.amazon.com/Nuremberg-Infamy-Trial-Joseph-Persico/dp/014016622X

Also: http://josephpersico.com

[11] http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865587554/This-week-in-history-Nazi-criminals-sentenced-at-Nuremberg.html?pg=all

[12] http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp

[13] http://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/NationalLibertyAlliance/messages/62188342/

[14] TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, August 2, 1934 –

* Germany President Paul Von Hindenburg death
* Adolph Hitler becomes president
* Nazis begin climb to full power of Germany:


[15] “Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American Republic By Donald G. Left:


<ahref=”https: books.google.com=”” books?”=””>https://books.google.com/books?%5B15%5D

[16] “Political Education of Arnold Brecht: An Autobiography, 1884-1970” by Arnold Brecht:


“Arnold Brecht witnessed and participated in the course of German history from the late 19th century to the present. Serving under seven Reich chancellors, he became acting Secretary of State, and was finally removed from office by Hitler in 1933.”:


Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Brecht

[17] http://www.archives.gov/iwg/research-papers/trial-of-war-criminals-before-imt.html

[18] http://nstarzone.com/HITLER.html

[19] http://www.edrivera.com/?page_id=2


The Constitution, government, historical fact, Organic Laws, American History, California history, California constitution, university of california, tuition free, unalienable, God’s law, written law

Got True Liability For Federal Income Tax?

Are you truly obligated to pay an income tax? “Understanding Jurisdiction”

Initial publishing date:   4/18/2014 –  at CureZone

“There has never been a criminal trial in any matter under federal income taxation without a SIGNED tax form in evidence before the court.”:

June 14th, 2014 Update –

“A New Educational Video: ‘Now, Here’s A Curious Thing…”:

Also see:

This is one of my most favorite ways of clarifying my knowledge on this subject. I highly recommend taking the quiz.

True or false? The testimony of any person that your earnings are derived from federal privilege is enough evidence for a federal court to accept it as true, regardless of whether this testimony is correct:

A) False
B) True

I got this one correct!

And isn’t that interesting how the system works?

Choose one. The 1099, W-2, K-1, and similar tax forms get their power to become evidence that the earnings declared are income and federally-connected from:

A) The clever re-definition in the tax law of ordinary words and phrases such as “wages”, “employee”, and “trade or business”.
B) The lack of any countervailing evidence to the testimony contained on the forms.
C) The presumption of the courts that such testimony is correct.
D) All of these reasons.

I got this one correct!
I’m especially fascinated with the facts of A).

Take the quiz:

Then I took this one and got 100%!:

(which made me a “Crack The Code Warrior”!)

April 25, 2014 – Comment at “Lost Horizons” re: today’s
announcement for the up coming first annual conference.

What a fabulous sounding 4th of July! I underscore the request for recording the event.

Also interested in knowing whether the presentation regarding the “Constitution” may be coming from a generally “conventional” perspective with a belief that the Constitution stands alone or whether it may come from a perspective with lawful continuity as one of the four Organic Laws – as recognized in the opening pages of the “United States Code”.(1) One of the reasons I’d like to know is that In the second Organic Law (known as the Articles of Confederation) we have the term “free inhabitant”. I have blogged about this:

Dr Ed Rivera has said more:

May 15, 2014 –

“Income tax” liability “involves the exercise of privilege.”

Flint vs Stone Tracy Co. 220 U.S. 107 (1911) “Excises are taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities within the country, upon licenses to pursue certain (licensed) occupations and upon corporate privileges; the requirement to pay such taxes involves the exercise of privilege.” “…Conceding the power of Congress to tax the business activities of private corporations … the tax must be measured by some standard… It is therefore well settled by the decisions of this court that when the sovereign authority has exercised the right to tax a legitimate subject of taxation as an exercise of a franchise or privilege, it is no objection that the measure of taxation is found in the income…”: http://usa-the-republic.com/revenue/true_history/Chap3.html

(1) “Organic Law”:

March 24th, 2015 –

A good friend and delightful culinary buddy inspired me to update this blog.:

Useful quotes:

“Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time.” Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co., 495 F 2nd 906 at 910.
“It is axiomatic that the prosecution must always prove territorial jurisdiction over a crime in order to sustain a conviction therefore.” U.S. v. Benson, 495 F.2d, at 481 (5th Cir., 1974).

“The law provides that once State and Federal Jurisdiction has been challenged, it must be proven.” Main v. Thiboutot, 100 S. Ct. 2502 (1980).

“Where there is absence of proof of jurisdiction, all administrative and judicial proceedings are a nullity, and confer no right, offer no protection, and afford no justification, and may be rejected upon direct collateral attack.” Thompson v Tolmie, 2 Pet. 157, 7 L. Ed. 381; and Griffith v. Frazier, 8 Cr. 9, 3 L. Ed. 471.

“the burden of proving jurisdiction rests upon the party asserting it.” Bindell v. City of Harvey, 212 Ill.App.3d 1042, 571 N.E.2d 1017 (1st Dist. 1991).

“Useful quotes” from: http://www.constitution.org/writ/quo_warranto.htm

July 11th, 2016 –

Just found the most concise abstract of “Breaking The Code” by using the search terms:
“federal income tax”privilege
In my Google search it’s the 8th result:

The Federal Income Tax is “a tax on only a specialized subset of the larger class of income, consisting exclusively of revenues attributed to the voluntary, profitable use of federal privilege, property or powers– that is, revenues in which the federal government has a direct ownership interest, and to which it can therefore exercise a direct claim as a matter of right. …
The income tax is a tax on gains from voluntary involvement in federal activities-either as a worker/office holder, or as an investor or beneficiary-and nothing else.”:


September 28th, 2016 –

I do not know of a more complete yet most succinct statement regarding the true nature of “The Federal Income Tax” as stated directly above here in the “July 11th” post. And if that statement alone is not sufficiently clear then the newsletter linked above will enlarge upon the thought!

Lawful Tax Avoidance

Why “reduce” when you can completely and Lawfully avoid the tax altogether?

Initially published at CureZone as of: 11/16/2016

The very best that a conventional tax consultant can typically offer is what they call “Tax Reduction Planning”. However, if you are not lawfully required to pay a tax then why “reduce” when you can completely avoid the tax altogether? Are you liable for Federal Income Taxes?

There has been a number of researchers of the federal tax code who have essentially “cracked the code” and I have blogged about a couple of these researchers in the past. Recently I have been introduced to another researcher who has a subscription to the Organic Laws[5] Institute[6] and who acknowledges the exceptional research of Dr. Ed Rivera. He presents himself as a tax avoidance expert. I’ve read his report and appreciate his legal references. I was inspired to ask if he would consider making a live presentation. He agreed! We … planned one for January 27th, 2017.

January 19, 2017 –

The “live presentation” is now in place!

Most recently I received additional clarification from our “tax avoidance expert” that I now find all the more interesting in light of Omraam’s current “Thought for the day”.[1]

The expert wrote: “This is not about ‘reducing income taxes’. It is about altogether avoiding them. As in 100%. This idea alone freaks some people out, especially accountants and other IRS go betweens. It’s a threat to their livelihood. Too bad. They are dinosaurs …”.[2]

Now the Omraam “Thought” in its entirety:

“Dinosaurs were reptiles with four legs that lived on earth millions of years ago, and we now know that birds are the product of their evolution. Over time and with successive transformations, the front legs of these reptiles have become wings. Yes, as unbelievable as it may sound, dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds. How to interpret this evolution? Perhaps among these reptiles there were some who were more enterprising, more daring, more curious who wanted to break free, tearing the ground[3]. Some others followed suit, while others, lazy and stubborn, have continued to crawl. Take this interpretation as you want. Now transpose this phenomenon into the world of humans. Over the course of history there have always been the daring ones who wanted to open new paths, explore new lands. Some followed them, others refused to move, but it is thanks to the bold that humanity progresses. So it is up to each of us to decide whether we will continue to crawl along the ground or if we want to make an effort and take to the air, like a bird, and be free. – Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov”[1]

I am deeply grateful for all the “bold” ones who dared to contribute what they could toward the “evolution” of “tax avoidance”. And now it appears we have “new paths” along this evolutionary line that are open for Individuals to consider. I am all the more grateful to be hosting one of these trail blazers!

January 21, 2017 –

Author Robert Heinlein reportedly left an index card in his safe (apparently to be discovered after his final threshold crossing) upon which he wrote that the two most important themes he wrote on were Freedom & Self-responsibility which he coupled together in three of his signature works including Stranger in a Strange Land. In Rudolf Steiner’s own words he regarded his “Philosophy of Freedom” as his greatest work. In the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd the 55th Gene Key is the only one of 64 Gene Keys that has the same theme for both the Gift frequency as well as the Siddhi. That shared theme is Freedom!

I believe that freedom is our genetic imperative. But what is freedom and how do we obtain it? I find it very interesting that according to the Gene Keys the 49th Gene Key (of Changing The World From The Inside) with the Gift of “Revolution” and Siddhi of “Rebirth” is very closely related to “Freedom” in the 55th as they are both part of the same Codon Ring. What does all of this have to do with “Lawful Tax Avoidance” one may ask?

The answer to this question depends upon how you define your freedom as well as the apparent opposite/s by whatever terms you wish to use (not limited to “slavery”). Steiner spoke of freedom in terms of our essential ability to think and to bring our thinking forces into our beliefs, attitudes as well as our conventionally shared thoughts in order to discover what these things are founded upon and how they pertain to us as Individual spiritual beings. The Gene Keys ask for contemplation upon all three frequencies of each Gene Key starting with those that are most prominent in the individual’s holographic profile. Freedom in the Gene Keys is obtained by facing, embracing and thus releasing the fear of the Shadow frequency of Victimization. I am convinced that freedom requires our dedication to an inner-work that leads to our personal transformation – mind renewal.

Can you have freedom from taxation and especially freedom from the fears that have been associated with tax evasion? Are you willing to rethink the beliefs about what “taxable income” consists of? Lawful taxation is based upon taxable income. Do you have taxable income according to what the Law says taxable income is?

“Only when we realize our potential to be a unique individual are we free. … it lies in our freedom to achieve freedom; only when we actively strive towards freedom do we have some chance of attaining it.”[4]

Jan. 24, ’17 –

Added Footnotes [5] & [6]

January 29th –

Several of us gathered for the “Lawful Tax-Avoidance” event in San Diego on Friday the 27th. We each received a substantial handout that was much like the power point presentation. The presentation made mention of Joseph Banister who is an outstanding example of a true-blooded freedom-loving American and former IRS agent turned IRS truth advocate! I just found Joseph’s Forward to a book by William Conklin. I highly recommend reading it!

Also in this book are some conclusions, one of which is part of my search regarding the fear factor and the IRS which is how I found the book. Conclusion #8:

“Knowledge is power. On the other hand, ignorance breeds fear. The IRS is able to get away with its terrible abuse because lack of knowledge about their own rights leaves individuals afraid.”[7]

January 31st –

Began offering complimentary “discovery sessions” in regards to “liability” for the Federal Income Tax.

Arthur Stopes, III writes:
“… learn to function as an American Citizen (technically, a State Citizen), not ‘Taxed’. All ‘U.S. citizens’ (technically, ‘citizens of the United States’, per the so-called ’14th Amendment’), are presumed to be domiciled in the District of Columbia, and therefore may be subject to ‘direct Taxes’ – and are, in fact, ‘subjects of the federal government’.
The writer has been flatteringly described by a federal Judge, in his Court, as a lawful tax avoider. I.e.; not a ‘tax evader’.”

February 3rd –

We have a legal basis for lawfully avoiding the Federal Income Tax because:
“Income Tax is an Excise Tax” and the activities and priviledges that incur the excise tax are all avoidable!

Springer vs United States, 102 U.S. 586, 26 L. Ed. 253; “An income tax, under the internal revenue laws, is not a direct tax within the meaning of the Federal Constitution, but is within the category of an excise or duty.”

House Congressional Record, 27 March, 1943, page 2580
“The income tax is, therefore, not a tax on income as such. It is an excise tax……..”

See also American Airways vs Wallace, 57 F. 2d 877, 880 (Concerning excise taxes and privilege taxes.)[8]

The Only Way A Person Can Be “MADE LIABLE” For Any Internal Revenue Tax Is By A Provision IN THE LAW (a statute or Code Section).

In the decision of Botta v. Scanlon, 288 F.2d 509 (1961), the United States Court of Appeals explained that there is only one way that a tax liability can be created. It stated: Moreover, even the collection of taxes should be exacted only from persons upon whom a tax liability is imposed by some statute. In Sutherland’s Rules of Statutory Construction, an authoritative reference book on interpretation of statutes, Section 66.03 states: …the obligation to pay taxes arises only by force of legislative action… Legislative action is the passage of a statute (a law). For anyone to be “liable” for income tax, it must be so stated in the IR Code.

Provisions Making Anyone Liable For Payment Of A Tax Must Be Stated In CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE LANGUAGE.

In the decision of Higley v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 69 F.2d 160, head note 2 states: Liability for taxation must clearly appear from statute imposing tax. Sutherland’s Rules of Statutory Construction under Section 66.01 titled Strict Construction of Statutes Creating Tax Liabilities refers to the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Gould v. Gould. 245 U.S. 151 which states: In the interpretation of statutes levying taxes it is the established rule not to extend their provisions by implication beyond the clear import of the language used, or to enlarge their operation so as to embrace matters most strongly against the government, and in favor of the citizen.

I.R. CODE Provisions Imposing Liability Are CLEARLY STATED And Use The Word “LIABLE”.

The word “liable” is found in I.R. Code Section 4401(c), 5005(a), 5703(a) and 1461 which create liabilities for wagering tax, distilled spirits tax, tobacco tax and “income” tax respectively. Section 1461 is the ONLY section in the I.R. Code imposing a liability for payment of “income” tax. That section applies to WITHHOLDING AGENTS ONLY (those required by Section 1441 and 1442 to deduct and withhold from payments of “income” owed to foreign persons). Section 1461 states: Every person required to deduct and withhold any tax under this chapter is hereby made liable for such tax.[9]

February 5, 2017 –

In addition to the fear factor (mentioned above) there is the authority factor. Actually these are two sides of the same “coin”. Our fears feed the outer authorities and the outer authorities feed our fear. You can certainly call it a fear-based torus.[11]

The following is something Ra Uru Hu had to say about this.

“We’re here to live what is correct for us, not what is expected of us. …—my big thing is authority. And I know a lot about authority. I have a 1st line in my profile, I’m a 5/1, and I have ten 1st lines in my design. I have a lot of 1st lines. First lines thematically are related to authority. I’m purely individual. I don’t like authority. Individuals don’t anyway. They don’t like having anyone tell them what to do or not to do, all of these things.

So, authority is something that I am well aware of. I live out a role as an authority, so it all has its humor. But there is a dark part of that, a deeply dark part of that. It’s what the seven-centered being gave us. What it gave us was the bowing down to authority. That’s what it gave us. It’s not about it being bad. This is the way, obviously, that human beings were organized. They were organized that way. This is the way they were controlled. It’s the way we’ve always been controlled. We give up our authority.

You’re taught that from the moment you come into the world you have no authority. You come into the world, you have no authority. You’re not allowed any authority. Children are not allowed authority. They have to accept the authority of their parents, they have to accept the authority of older siblings, and they have to accept the authority of teachers. And as they grow up they begin to see that everybody is accepting somebody else’s authority. They get to see that their mother is accepting the authority of their father and their father is accepting the authority of their boss and so forth and so on.

And that on whatever day they pray they all go together to their particular whatever and they all bow down to an even greater authority that has a greater authority over them. And once a year they all fill out their tax forms. In service to, in payment to that authority that they recognize as an authority over them, that rules over them.

Everything about the seven-centered being, everything about the way in which the hierarchy was established was established in that way through authority. You give up your authority. The moment you give up your authority you become a sheep. And you can be led this way or that because you have no authority. This is a seven- centered being.”[10]

This inspired me to also look at the Gene Key correlation that I see in the 21st Gene Key with the three major frequencies identified as: Shadow: Control, Gift: Authority and Siddhi: Valour. “Control” has “much to do with power and money”. Gene Keys author Richard Rudd writes: “One of the major areas to plague human beings and the cause of enormous conflict and violation of basis human rights is the issue of control. All control is rooted entirely in a single theme – territory. … In the past, control was about resources and food, and food depended on maintaining and defending your territory. In the modern world however, the battlefield has changed even through the genetic dynamic has not. Today the battleground is money, and this 21st Shadow has much to do with power and money.”

Government is based on “territory” and that fact in Law is known as proprietary jurisdiction. The phrase “proprietary jurisdiction” is not one that is taught in the public school system and therefore it is natural that people who have been raised/conditioned under this system are most largely ignorant of the basis for Lawful government! Consequently there is a great need for re-educating individuals regarding the Lawful basis of government in general and in regards to taxation in particular. There is an equally great if not greater need for educating individuals about their Human Design and the how their nine-centeredness is their basis for their inner authority.


[1] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/dinosaurs-to-birds-an-analogy-with-the-evolution-of-human-beings_2017-01-20

[2] From a private correspondence on 1/19/17 between this writer and the “tax avoidance expert”.

[3] I find this an interesting phrase that I wish I could inquire with Omraam about.

[4] http://www.philosophyoffreedom.org/node/3969

[5] An explanation of “Organic Law”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_law#In_the_US

[6] https://organiclaws.org

[7] Why No One Is Required To File:

[8] famguardian.org/disks/taxdvd/…/Income%20Tax%20is%20an%20Excise%20Tax.doc

[9] http://www.libertytreetv.com/truth-about-the-income-tax

[10] page 71 – THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE HUMAN #SanDiegoSustainableDesignSymposium inspired many of us. http://wanderfoot.com/sd-symposium/ SYSTEM

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus

Creme de la Creme: Chef-Doctor Jemichel

Developing a twelve-fold autobiographical vision in light of Human Design, Truth of Self, Life and Others!

Original publishing start date: Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter – “god of expansion, generosity, … philosophy, belief systems, higher learning, principles, ethics, morals, the law, … social learning through story telling, teaching … “[1]; also known as “the general” and “the functional ability to expand and increase the scope of an individual’s power and authority”. Therefore I deem today to be the perfect right day for the subject matter of this blog post.

I’m inspired (as of late this past afternoon) to begin a biographical accounting in several major areas of my life. The initial idea was to create a separate biography at each of my twelve blogs[2]. (I’m impressed with Steiner’s thinking for developing twelve perspectives[27] on a conception of the world and I can also imagine possibly including seven modes within each of the twelve for a grand total of eighty-four perspectives!)

July 25, 2015 –

I’m realizing now that I find a deeper sense of my biography when viewed from an astrological perspective. Also that biography for me is not only the “historical” but the current process of living as well. Writing that may be a type of journal – an accounting of one’s navigation by both sun light and “star light”.

Today is day one of Venus retrograde!

“With Venus Retrograde, it’s all about how you invest: your time, your money, your creative pulse, your affections, your recreations. …

Although Venus begins her retrograde Saturday July 25th at 0 degrees of Virgo, the majority of her 6 week cycles will be in Leo, and this costume of Aphrodite needs to be adored as numero uno. …”[3]

0 degrees of Virgo gives the following Sabian Symbol that I include in my characterization of this Venus retrograde:

“Scene Eleven: Characterization –
by Dane Rudhyar

(Virgo 1° to Virgo 15°)

First Level: Actional

Phase 151 (Virgo 1°): In A Portrait, The Significant Features Of A Man’s Head Are Artistically Emphasized.

Keynote: The capacity to picture to oneself clearly the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation. (An ideal influence for a retrograde!)

During the two preceding Scenes the ‘feel’ of energy at work has been the dominant feature of a consciousness still strongly ego-centered yet at times eagerly and devotionally reaching up to a realization of divine or cosmic order. Now we have come in the seasonal cycle of the year to the sign Virgo. It is in a sense the symbol of harvesting, but it is also that of the Path of discipleship, and of all strongly determined processes of training, or retraining. Flooded with and having enjoyed and released energy, the personalized consciousness now has to learn the lesson of significant form. It must be able to see life situations as wholes of experience, and to discover their meaning by distinguishing their most characteristic features.

This is the first stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of symbols and its Keyword is DISCRIMINATION. Implied in discrimination is both analysis and intuition. The mind separates and identifies — and unfortunately often exaggerates — what makes a person or a situation different from another; but the intuitive responses of the whole person to what confronts him or her is also essential, for what matters is not only my or your ‘difference,’ but the place and function this difference occupies in the organic pattern of the evolution of ‘humanity as a whole,’ i.e. of Man.[4]

July 28, 2015 –

Just read today’s “Thought for the day”[5] (from the online group “Prosveta S.A.” that is “dedicated to the publication, distribution and spreading of the teaching of Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900-1986).”[6]) that conveys a most profound message of an ideal relationship with/in nature!

I am quickly reminded of my beloved paternal German grandfather who was born in, raised up in rural Germany a century ago. I wish to positively identify the village (made note to do that). I want to identify the forest that he was closest to. The “Thought for the day” message inspires me to discover this now. In any case my grandfather and grandmother were members of a German club in Chicago that was named after the “Böhmerwald”[7] in Germany. I note that here because the annual “German dance” and festive gathering of the club (on or about Valentine’s Day) played a significant role throughout my childhood. I attended this event every year it existed since the mid-50s and 60s. It gave me my most fulfilling immersion into an authentic German culture that had been transplanted to Chicago fairly early in the 1900s.

This is a significant part of my biography! Although my father was born in the u. s. of A. his first language was German! (English became his second language.) My father’s early childhood diet was largely German foods (prepared by his excellent German chef-mother! ; ~ ) I believe his first “religion” was German Lutheran as that was my grandmother’s religion. (My grandfather had Catholicism.[8])

July 29, 2015 –

The film: “2001 A Space Odyssey” had a significant impact on me when I first viewed in the late 60s. I’m glad to now read about it in a scholarly thesis that says: “The overall theme of the movie appears to be man’s exploration and ascent to something higher.” The “ascent to something higher” theme is one that I had begun to identify in another previous blog.[9]

… Dave’s transportation through the tunnel of colors and light leaves the viewer utterly lost. Much like Dave, the movie watcher is being taken into the unknown. As Dave experience a rebirth, the viewer does as well.”[10]

I had previously blogged at least a mention of this film over a year ago and hinted at its impact on me as of my experience of it.[11]

“Next stage in human evolution: the Star Child”[12]

The Following Thursday, July 30, 2015 –

“Dialogue and reflection are the essentials of autobiography.

Autobiography is a process of reflection that reveals self-as-object through reflective self-representations. … to look (back) to lived experiences–to capture autobiography. … This interpretation considers autobiography as a two-step process. The first step requires the reflection of experiences once lived in order to grasp their meaning. The second step involves the presentation of the experiences and then interpretation — experiences as they appear now.

Thus, the autobiography barely recaptures the past–or even records it. It records the present understanding of the story teller and presents it in the context of that situation.”[13]

From new inspiration to look more deeply into the process of autobiography I’ve just discovered “currere”. I now find more meaning for entering autobiography simultaneously as part the path of transformation and as a teacher. I also feel blessed in realizing that this understanding of both autobiography and the currere “method” fits very well with my particular Human Design configuration as it requires the quality of self-reflection that I see with currere.

The following quote may appear a bit “heady” for some (and maybe I can simplify that soon) however I hope it offers a helpful point to consider in this way.

“… William Pinar … suggests that the term currere indicates a framework for autobiographical reflection on educational experiences from a subjective and narrative perspective. He describes currere: The method of currere—… this autobiographical method asks us to slow down, to remember even re-enter the past, and to meditatively imagine the future. Then, slowly and in one’s own terms, one analyzes one’s experience of the past and fantasies of the future in order to understand more fully, with more complexity and subtlety, one’s submergence in the present. The method of currere is not a matter of psychic survival, but one of subjective risk and social reconstruction, the achievement of selfhood and society in the age to come (Pinar, 2004, 4.)”[14]

“People are continuously learning and always in the ‘process of becoming’ which stems from Bill Pinar’s Method of Currere.”[15]

(Christmas ’15 – I underscore this again. The Human “Being” is one expression of our wholeness. We are also Human Becomings”)

August 11th –

“… in 1966, … a new spirit of change and liberation, particularly in our attitude to the biosphere, occurred. To many it felt that, despite the awesome Sword of Damocles represented by MAD (the nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction that constantly hung over our heads at the time), a new consciousness was dawning, that anything was possible. But … the initially innocent and vigorous ‘counter-culture’ of ‘the flower children’ was within three years largely overwhelmed by the unholy trinity of ‘sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll'”.[16]

“… in the time of Christ the Celtic Initiates were able to ‘witness’ metaphysically the mystery of Golgotha (according to Rudolf Steiner). One of the brightest pages in the Book of the Living of the Irish people was the Golden Age of the sixth century:

‘It is recorded “that from the sixth to the tenth century while the peoples of Europe were torn asunder by internal struggles and racial wars, Ireland, and Ireland alone of all the nations, kept the light of faith and knowledge alight and burning with a brightness which diffused its rays far beyond the shores of Erin”‘…”[17]

My maternal grandfather claimed to be from Irish descent, however years later my uncle said it’s Walsh. In any case keeping “the light of faith and knowledge alight” feels good to me! ; ~ )

“… the instinct for truth in human nature”[18]

August 16th –

My biography is one of truth regarding the new nature of self, life and others and as such requires an all-inclusive paradigm to do it “justice”. Stating this in terms of “justice” is actually serendipitous to my Mayan astrological sign which I refer to (following) along with a dozen other astrological systems that I feel are required to “outline” the “all-inclusive paradigm”.

According to the Mayan Sun Signs I was born a ‘Monkey’.:

“Monkey takes ideas as threads of vines and weaves them into the fabric of our reality. New patterns or inventions are also woven into our lives by Monkey. … Monkey’s innocent curiosity leads to artistic expression and constructive solutions. …”

Also included with my “Day Sign” is the “Galactic Tone” – numerical value of eight. “…Eight is the power of organization demonstrated in the statement, ‘As above, so below’. From simplicity to infinity, the energy of eight organizes all levels of creation.”[19]

Also it is most interesting to me that my ‘Trenca Sign’ is “Seed”! I have known a deep mystical connection with seed since forty-five years ago that was somewhat ‘unexplainable’ to me that is now validating for me to see in the Mayan paradigm!

You may like to know that “Your higher self chooses your sign before you are born in to this world. You take into consideration your needs for evolving and growing spiritually. Your ‘Day Sign’ provides you with your life mission that includes your strong and weak aspects. You forget all of this information the minute you are born, however. This sign guides you and reminds you of your spiritual essence and personal mission to help you evolve.”[20]

Also at MyMayanSign I appreciate:

“…Being an artist and artisan from birth, the monkey symbolizes the child within us. This child should be given permission to paint the walls of the house or play the violin in a free way or do anything artistic and creative it wants to do. If you are someone that is born under the Monkey Sign, you should give permission to the child within you to play and creatively express itself. That is, if you wish to grow and be free. … When your creative channel is open, you can be very beneficial to self and community with your practical mind.”

August 17th –

According to the indications that I’m working with in “The Book of Houses” I’ve just ended my “Harvest Month” several days ago. I’m now in my 11th House of “Choosing Seeds” which naturally follows times of harvest. I had made an intention to make a conscious accounting of my harvest and elsewhere noted that of all the “goals” I had set for my self a year ago – none of them came into fruition in this cycle. As I write this now (11:22 AM, PST) I think the goals simply need more time. My goals included substantial objectives that involve other individuals. in any case – during my most recent contemplation of a quarter our ago I realized that I received a tremendous harvest this year! I have an abundance of real peace! I realized in my contemplation that peace is all I really want! I had been faithfully tending my inner “garden” throughout this past year, paying attention to what “seed” thoughts were there and weeding out every “tare” to the best of my ability and the result of all my labor is that I have real peace residing in me that is part of me now! Once again, It’s all I really want! ; ~ )

October 11th –

Re: “Truth of Life” –

As I mentioned in my abstract for this blog post my vision for an autobiographical account consists of “Truth of Self, Life and Others” largely in light of my Human Design. In this blog post I also mentioned how dyads could be used for autobiographical purposes and how attractive that approach is for me since I’m an avid dyad enthusiast.
In the traditional Enlightenment Intensive (EI) series every individual begins with “Tell me who you are” and most probably can take on: “Tell me what you are” as of their second intensive. After that there may be an option to have: “Tell me what Life is”. The fourth traditional EI contemplation directive is “Tell me what another is”. If I could record my dyads in an EI then doing a complete series could give considerable material from which to develop an autobiographical presentation. However that is a mighty big “if”! Most likely not going to happen in a genuine EI. It is better for me to think in terms of an independent dyad session for this project.

I just referred to the Enlightenment Manual[21] and after calculating the total hours in dyads for a single EI I figured that an individual doing an autobiographical dyad series (ADS) on a once/week basis would possibly need to allow a full year to cover all four of the EI contemplative directives as mentioned above. I’m not suggesting that the ADS program would take the place of or serve the same purpose of an EI. ADS is simply my vision and serves a significantly different purpose than the traditional EI. It Actually would be an experiment, one that I would gladly conduct!

Therefor I’m attracted to this experiment. I’m especially attracted to the “truth of life” contemplation!

Omraam says “In the psychic and spiritual realms, we become more and more alive when we let go of the lower expressions of life.”[22]

Contemplation within dyads on “… what life is” can be a most effective way to let go of the lower expressions of life as one intends to join with the living truth of what life is!

Oct. 13th –

Mikhael goes to India – 1959, Part 1/7 –

“… A memorable meeting was with Neemkaroli Baba. …

It was Neemkaroli who acknowledged Aïvanhov’s mastership by bestowing on him the honorific name Omraam. This name is made up of two famous Sanskrit mantras or words of power, om and ram. … The syllable ram, which was rendered as ‘Raam’ in French to assist with the correct pronunciation, is the mantra denoting the fire element. …

Aïvanhov explained his initiatic name as follows:

‘The name I was given in India, OMRAAM, corresponds to the two processes of ‘Solve’ and ‘Coagula’: OM dissolves all things, rendering them subtle and fine, and RAAM materializes them. The name OMRAAM is the symbol of the process of concretization, the invisible, intangible idea that must incarnate on earth so that it can be seen and touched by the whole world.'”[23]

In the early 80s I participated in a training hat included receiving a spiritual name: Ramjah! I now recognize the materializing, concretization correspondence of ‘Coagula’ in Ram that is part of my spiritual nature!

November 2nd –

If you are in a “5” Personal Year (as I am), November is a 7 Personal Month for you:

The best way to approach this month is to set aside some alone time to do a little soul searching. You may even find that you have more leisure time on your hands this month to do exactly that.

You have been on a fast and furious pace all year but this month brings you a considerably different opportunity. Set aside your career and relationships for a bit and concentrate on listening to your inner self. You are particularly insightful this month and perhaps living just a little too much in your head but this is precisely what you need to do. Take stock of your life and where you are headed.

You may also find yourself drawn to the spiritual and certainly there will be spiritual growth this month as well as vivid dreams and messages from above. If you are open to it. this would be a good time to get a reading to explore that side of you.

Take time to rest, relax, read a good book or go for a long walk. Reconnect with your thoughts, pay attention and listen to what your soul is trying to tell you.

No need to worry about your career as by next month, you will return to it and all the other aspects of your life but the work you do this month will help you gain perspective and balance and a clearer sense of self.

Keywords: Slower paced, introspective, insightful

Nov. 16th –

Inspired to search more insight re: my Fifth Astrological House that “has to do with creativity … self-expression …. our originality and flair, enthusiasm … pride in ourselves, building confidence and self-esteem …the life area of personal sovereignty, where we begin to recognise and appreciate our own dynamic and playful nature. All forms of creative expression … are connected with this house.”

and I have “Aquarius on the 5th House Cusp Aquarius, the sign of humanitarian goals and altruism. Always impartial and nonsectarian, Aquarian energy is communal (even global). The focus is on the goal, and the goal is always one that is for the many and not the few. Thus this sign is connected to far-seeing visions, world views and group work of all kinds. …”[24]

I see the “far-seeing visions” (and the rest of my highest ideals) converging in Cheeta.[25]

December 13th –

Continued with my astrological research for greater self-understanding about a couple things including my IC (Imum Coeli – on an axis with Midheaven) that is ruled by Capricorn indicating that I want security and safety in my home and family life to which I concur! Then I discovered a little list prioritizing “most to least likely to try to see only the best in people.” The top two signs are Cancer followed by Libra which I felt happy about as I have Cancer Moon at Midheaven and Libra Sun at my Ascendant! However down at the bottom of the list where it is least likely to “try to see only the best in people” is Virgo and there I shrieked some as my Venus is in Virgo and my Sun is actually on the Virgo/Libra cusp! I certainly do try to see only the best in others and I admit it most certainly has been challenging at times! Fortunately I have “The Human Design System”, “Love Cards” “Destiny Cards”, “The Secret Language of Destiny” and several other astrological systems that I use to get a deeper understanding of people and guess what? … they all work together to give me that understanding that I need to help me accept the differences in values (Venus) that I see with others through my Virgo eyes!

Dec. 14th –

Just received a gift of info after subscribing to an astrological site where I had essentially gifted a lady from Chicago who posted her natal data seeking a reading. I offered a brief yet key intro to her Human Design. My “gift” is the following:

“Chiron in the 3rd house: This shows your deepest wound residing in communication. This could mean constant feelings of being misunderstood or not being listened to. It can also show unintentional or intentional insults in childhood that have left you with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. … You are an advocate for those who are not heard. … The goal of Chiron here is to show you that your words are important and you are worthy of attention. You can admit your mistakes and praise your accomplishments without feeling guilty. Realizing your divine being can help you gain confidence in yourself. When you learn to speak without need to be heard, but instead just being able to express yourself, and knowing that it is valid and important, then you will have healed your deepest wound.”

The degree of my Chiron is in Sagittarius where it corresponds to Ajna Gate 11 at Line 5. And the Sabian Symbol for this position is healing in itself!:

“Sagittarius 28°): An Old Bridge Over A Beautiful Stream Is Still In Constant Use.

KEYNOTE: The enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individuals to the everyday needs of the collectivity.

This symbol brings together, as it were, the essential values implied in the two preceding ones. The mastery over material factors of a few imaginative and trained individuals enables their community to remain well-integrated and able to function easily in the best possible environment. The work of these sculptor-engineers allows their people to develop a relatively permanent culture. A tradition is built which enables men to link their outer nature with the highest vision their leaders can conceive and objectively demonstrate.

This third symbol of the fifty-fourth sequence also suggests the way in which the works of man can blend harmoniously with natural environment in producing beautiful and enduring shapes of profound meaning. Reacting against the ugliness of our commercial and chaotic cities and highways, today we tend to long for “wilderness.” But the combination of natural beauty and human skill and imagination is the true ideal to strive for. As Keywords we might use the title of an excellent book by the architect Claude Bragdon: The Beautify Necessity.”[26]

Cheeta embraces “the combination of natural beauty and human skill and imagination (a)s the true ideal to strive for”.

December 18th –

One of my twelve auto-biographical perspectives is the evolutionary journey that I took with music – starting in the 50s and continuing through the 70s. The music of the 50s is important as a kind of “back drop” for what emerged in the 60s. And the music of the early 60s is a kind of bridge to the mid and late 60s. In all there’s about a twenty-year span that from my perspective deserves to presented as a whole continuum.

If you are aware of the “evolutionary” perspective of this generation of music then you know that the entrance of the music of Led Zepplin onto the world stage made a certain “contribution” that possibly has not yet been fully identified. Maybe the interview with Robert Plant begins to identify the contribution.

Robert Plant: “We were part of a huge youth movement that was going to change the world.”

Reporter: “So it was the right time for LED Zeppelin.”

Robert: “It was the right time for us all,”.

And this is the line that resonates the most. This is the takeaway line:

“Being a contributor in any form was way more important than being a hero.” — Robert Plant[28]

Glad I listened to the interview! Here’s one comment that begins to touch upon the “contribution” that stands out as the greater highlight from all of this.:

“There was magic in their music and it’s captured for all to enjoy. You can’t duplicate that in my humble opinion.”[29]

That their music had magic is a good place to start in the contemplation as to what was contributed. I’m now reminded of “Cosmos and Psyche” and will check to see what Richard Tarnas mentions of Led Zepplin (LZ).

Another comment by “3434arc1”:
“… I still love The Beatles, Stones, Who, Floyd, and a few others, but Led Zeppelin truly had a magic about them that set them apart.”

Update on “Cosmos and Psyche” – LZ is mentioned twice in a larger context along with all the new music greats of 1968-69 coinciding with a “triple conjunction of Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in 1968-69” … “the cllmax[47] of the classical era of rock” a statement that I more than “agree with” for I had actually “lived it”! This “living it” is a certain “cllmax”[47] of my autobiography from the musical perspective.

December 20th –

As mentioned at the start of this blog – I intend to develop twelve distinct autobiographical perspectives. I’ve just previously noted one here as Music. Others include Family, Communication, “Christian”, Education, Health, Community, Spiritual, Esoteric, Healing, Dance and Ancestors & Descendants.[30]

Dec. 23rd –

Many of the postings here are essentially notes for my further development in the autobiography. I count the following quote as seminal for the spiritual perspective.

“When soul and spirit unite, they bring into the world a seed which grows into a new consciousness.”[31]

I have memories of longing for this union as of the Summer of 1970. In August I had an acute spiritual emergency.

Christmas Day –

With the “Christian” perspective of the twelve-fold autobiography I wish to identify the “sacred seed” of “Heaven” that was included.

Just discovered (in search re: “Triple Conjunction” 1968) –
“Lifespans of the ‘Club of 27’ –
Jimi Hendrix (Nov 27, 1942 – Sep 18, 1970) UR +6º, NE -3º
Brian Jones (Feb 28, 1942 – Jul 3, 1969) UR + 4º, NE – 3º
Janis Joplin (Jan 19, 1943 – Oct 4, 1970) UR +8º, NE -3º
Jim Morrison (Dec 8, 1943 – Jul 3, 1970) UR +3º, NE -3º”[34]

[Reviewing this on July 13th, 2016 – 27 is 3 9-yr cycles]

During the month of August right in between the “crossings of the threshold” by Jim Morrison on Jul 3, 1970 and Jimi Hendrix on Sep 18, 1970 is when I had my “spiritual emergency”! That event was a kind of convergence of about seven of the twelve perspectives that I have named above. (8:44PM)

For the autobiographical “Music Perspective”:
“Got Cream? – Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce & Eric Clapton –
Possibly the start of a chapter in my ‘book of life’ leading up to my T.O.M.M.Y. Transformation of My Mythological Youth.”[33]
(9:15 PM)

“That big Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of the late sixties, fell on (Hendrix’s) Neptune. That was a generational experience, concerning that flower-power Generation, they were born with Neptune right there: for a while, they could be part of it.”[34] (9:32 PM)

Skyscript author Nick Kollerstrom continues: “Jimi’s chart, more than any other you will ever see, expresses the essence of funky rhythm. It’s all trines and sextiles! This guy just had to sing, the tunes had to come tumbling out of him. All five ‘club of 27’ members (Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones and Kurt Cobain) have in common an almost total absence of squares in their chart, plus a massive excess of trines and sextiles.”[34]

I have twelve “squares” in my chart! Five of these are with my natal moon. It can give you an idea of how attracted I was to the music of Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison and how I love to dance! Dancing opened a greatly needed liberating portal for me and especially for my soul survival!

Dec, 31st (@ 11:22 PM) –

Re-searching the astroids including Ceres plus aspects and got mine: “Ceres conjunct North Node: These natives have far-reaching aspirations for comfort, relaxing and joyfulness”[35]

January 1st, 2016 –
Note for the “Music Perspective”:

The WHO’s double album: TOMMY was a major contribution among my many music influences that often included a matrix of music and message expressed in words, images and a third factor that I’ll refer to as inner resonance. I suspect that the impact of these musical contributions at least touched upon significant Gene Keys in my Holographic Profile. This past day I recalled this line.:

“… If I told you what it takes
to reach the highest high,
You’d laugh and say ‘nothing’s that simple’
But you’ve been told many times before
Messiahs pointed to the door
And no one had the guts to leave the temple!”[36]

“Highest high” could easily be thought of as the Siddhi frequencies in the Gene Keys. However in 1969 neither I nor anyone among my friends had even heard the word Siddhi nor were we on any kind of a dedicated path leading to higher consciousness. Nevertheless certain music (such as Tommy) “sparked” deep within me, igniting my inner being beyond the everyday “reality”.

(August 30, 2016 My “Tommy” chapter would be elaborated upon in a number of ways including within the context of the “drug culture” at that time. I would fly disclose my personal experience in my private publishing of this biography in response to the following:

“People with such a placement (natal Uranus in the first astrological house) should be very careful with drugs, alcohol and any substance that can furthermore blur his already liquid reality. Neptune himself is creating a personality that is stepping with only one leg to the ground, so misuse of substances might totally disconnect someone from the common reality. If Neptune is only positively aspected and shielded by strong planets, then experimenting will not harm the native but rather enhance his ability of understanding the thin web of how the universe functions. Nevertheless, any usage should be under control and he should never allow himself get hooked on any kind of dependant substance. Individuals that have adverse aspects from Mars, Pluto, Saturn and Uranus should not even try to experiment. They are very prone to substance abuse, and such kind of behaviors might awaken/create mental illnesses and psychological problems.[66]

More regarding Neptune in the 1st – “Music is extremely important, as long as anything artistic. Neptune in the first house does not grant some artistic ability by himself; he creates the appreciator of other’s art. People with such a placement can become great art critics. [67])

Just attempted to post the following comment however it requires a Facebook account and I no longer have anything to do with that.

I deeply appreciate both this presentation and the personal disclosures in the comments. I am all the more grateful now having survived the “drug culture” I was submerged in during the late 60’s (and then again in the 80s)! Especially seeing the additional vulnerabilities now with my 1st house Neptune square Midheaven Moon and Uranus! I find the thought of it now ping-ponging between frightful and insane on the spectrum of personal risk-taking. And yet I do remember the “quest” that I was on – at least with some of those trips. No doubt in my mind Higher Intelligence had definitely overshadowed me!

Jan 3rd, 2016 –

Note for the “Family Perspective” –

I was raised to be my father’s “little man”. It was only last year that I heard my mother “confess” this to me during a visit with her. Hearing that one line gave me a major convergence of realization to the benefit of my psyche and that allowed me more complete acceptance of how I was raised not to be myself! Astrologically I think this is portrayed with Saturn about four degrees in front of my natal sun.

the 4th –
More notes for the “Music Perspective”:

I’m recalling some of the music I enjoyed in the 60s that had some references to God/Jesus/Spirit or the like. One of the first songs is The Doobie Brothers’ version of “Jesus Is Just Alright”. There’s a few other songs that I will add later.[44] “‘Jesus Is Just Alright’ was one of a number of religiously themed songs to reach the U.S. charts between 1969 and 1973, along with ‘Spirit in the Sky’ by Norman Greenbaum, ‘Put Your Hand in the Hand’ by Ocean, ‘Superstar’ by Murray Head, ‘Morning Has Broken’ by Cat Stevens, ‘Jubilation’ by Paul Anka, ‘Speak to the Sky’ by Rick Springfield, ‘Jesus Was a Capricorn’ by Kris Kristofferson, and ‘I Knew Jesus (Before He Was a Star)’ by Glen Campbell.”[37]

The 6th – (“Epiphany”[38])

“For the time being, it is true, my work is not bringing many visible, tangible results, but in fact I know that it is already bearing fruit.” – Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov[39]

The 8th –

“Solomon wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes, which contains the best definition of astrology I have found anywhere (chapter 3): “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun. . . ”

The song “Turn, Turn, Turn” by “The Byrds” was released on December 6, 1965. (Dec. 6th is my beloved sister Linda Marie’s birthdate. This song was also a favorite of Linda’s.) “The lyrics, except for the title which is repeated throughout the song, and the final verse of the song, are adapted word-for-word from Chapter 3 of the Book of Ecclesiastes”[41]

What a way to learn scripture! Bible verses turned into lyrics and song by contemporary musicians. A number of churches included such in their church services. During my cycle in “The Church” we sang from a “supplement” to the Hymnal that was filed with popular tunes (including “Yellow Submarine”) that had lyrics rewritten. I have a housemate now who expressed interest in this supplement. I’m adding interest now to my intention to get the supplement so that we can sing these songs together! We can also include “Turn, Turn, Turn” even though that was not in our Church supplement. (That “omission” doesn’t matter now! We’ll supplement the supplement ; ~ )

February 4th, 2016 –

I found an exceptionally informative webpage on the progressed moon. Based on what I generated as my progressed chart my progressed moon is in the Balsamic Phase, in Scorpio and the Seventh House now.[42]

The 5th –

The Dark Pixie Astrologer mentioned the Asteroid Veritas (Latin for truth) and that inspired me to locate mine at 6 degrees Scorpio in my 1st House of Self. The Sabian Symbol is read at 7 degrees as follows.:


KEYNOTE: The will to explore the hidden depths of all experiences and to search for primordial causes.

This symbol essentially refers to depth psychology — a coming to terms with the collective Unconscious and its contents. This type of depth-plumbing adventure is basically different from the one symbolized by the gold rush, for it can take place within the individual and with no relation to social value. It refers symbolically to a quest for “under-standing” — i.e. for what lies under the surface waves of daily living. This quest may lead to great dangers. It demands a strong will and good breathing — i.e. a degree of spiritual strength. It usually challenges powers hidden in the depths of the unconscious.

The contrast between “deep-sea divers” and “men of the gold rush” is significant. It presents in an interesting manner the opposition between a first stage and second stage symbol in the five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. The inward quest opposes the outward search for the great social symbol, gold. It should lead to a DEPTH REALIZATION of the very roots of consciousness.[43]

Feb. 9th –

After visiting the website for “The Church in Chicago” earlier today and feeling some emotions stirring in me as I recall memories from 40 to 45 years ago I realize that my time in the Church Life was in large part the beginning of my healing process regarding my family of origin. The Church was another family for me: “God’s Family” and living with the Brothers and Sisters allowed me to have a new social reality that was other than the social reality of what I had grown up with for the previous 19 and a 1/2 years. The full account of history is at least one whole chapter in my biography and possibly a book in and of itself!

Later got inspired with identifying where my progressed Veritas is located now. I find it at 28 Scorpio 3 and looked up the corresponding Sabian Symbol at 29 degrees:

Scorpio 29°: An Indian Squaw Pleading To The Chief For The Lives Of Her Children.

KEYNOTE: Love as a principle of redemption.

“Here the soul is presented as a mother whose sons (i.e. her active energies) have become disruptive forces in the collective life of the tribe. She seeks to counteract the karma of their misdeeds through her love and implorations. The soul is responsive to the experience of unity (the spiritual king or chief) but the energies of human nature often follow their self-seeking, divisive tendencies.
This is the fourth symbol of the forty-eighth sequence. It presents us with the value of prayer. The principle of wholeness in man — the soul — acts to offset or attenuate the dictates of karma. In a religious sense, Mary, the Mother, is seen as the Mediatrix, in constant acts of INTERCESSION for the sake of waylaid individuals.” [45]

What stands out the strongest for me in this symbol is “The principle of wholeness in man — the soul”. That is where the “healing process” (mentioned in the previous post today) takes place and what now stands out for me in review of my entire Church Life experience and that I now realize was a preparation for my family-of-origin healing.

Also in my search for the above Sabian Symbol by Dane Rudhyar I found:

Scorpio 29 – An umbilical cord.
“Definitely completely attached, but what you are attached to changes drastically. Each time it is to the source of sustenance. If at first a mother, womb, an elemental past, it can easily become later on a great teacher, a path, a journey. You are still thoroughly, personally hooked into the sweetness, the juice, the power. Yet as the levels shift, as the attunement deepens, you go from destructive enmeshment toward incredible openings. And as you learn to cut loose from each last thing and to move toward the next greater thing, you become adept in the rough process of inner soul work. You have an extraordinary aptitude for taking the most binding and heavy-duty circuits and moving into and through them, grasping hold of the guiding influence of ever-greater circles of allegiance. Leading eventually toward mutation and evolutionary breakthrough of the first magnitude.”[46]

The last three lines speak directly to my learning and graduation beyond what can be expressed in terms of the conventional understanding of “salvation” in Christianity. The depth of my natal Veritas (at Sabian Symbol Scorpio 7 degrees) simply does not settle for anything less than a “Deep-Sea Dive” to “explore the hidden depths of all experiences”!

February 17th –

“Water is a materialization of the cosmic fluid that fills the whole of space. By means of thought it is possible to be in contact with this fluid and be purified by it, for if water cleanses us on a physical level, on the mental plane, it can do just the same.”[48]

My spiritual emergency in August 1971 is a chapter in my spiritual/healing biography. One of the things I remember early on inside the facility (that I had signed myself into at the time) is when I washed my face. I remember intending it to be a washing of my mind. I wasn’t thinking of any practice of spiritual initiates although I did think of “baptism” even though I only knew of baptism as a ritual that was performed in church for an infant. I just remember sincerely wishing to cleanse my mind of everything that had preceded me up to that point in time.

Sunday the 21st –

I started this blog on and regarding “Thursday is ruled by Jupiter”. Reviewing my natal chart I find Jupiter is square Uranus indicating (among other things) that communications is a perfect “career” choice for me. I think my Venus in Virgo supports that as well. And if Jupiter represents our guiding philosophy then part of my philosophy is “Communications is life” plus “dialogue is the new community”! Also “Jupiter is about having an outlook or belief system – something we can identify with or look forward to.”[49] I really look forward to communicating and most especially dialoguing with others!

March 22nd –

For most of my present incarnation I have wanted to know Truth, all the truths of Life, Self & Other, God, etc. My journey intensified during a nine month period with my first spiritual emergency starting in the Summer of 1970 and continuing through the Spring of 1971 when I entered “The Church”. The Church had “New Beginners” classes that included a essential three-fold perspective of man illustrated with three cocentric circles with the outer circle representing the physical body the next circle in representing the soul (with three parts of mind. emotions and will) and the inner most circle representing the human spirit. I went along with that at the time. Later with my introductions to Anthroposophy I appreciated an enlargement of that view. Over the last decade or so I’ve appreciated the perspective of Human Design in this regards. Now Omraam gives a perspective that I feel a wonderful validation with.:

“The fact is that there is no one theory of man which fully accounts for his extreme complexity, and it should not surprise us to learn that the different religions and philosophical schools of thought have all different notions of the structure of man.” (Omraam then makes references to about eight different examples.)

“So which system possesses the truth? All of them. It just depends on one’s point of view. We cannot reject any of them. … for the sake of convenience, I often divide man into two parts: the lower or personality and the higher nature or individuality, because this division makes it easier to understand certain problems. …”[50]

May 1st – Happy May Day!

I’m a healer. I appreciate Chiron as “the wounded healer”. Currently Chiron is in Pisces “forging on with Neptune asking us to believe that we can heal, to believe and perhaps let go…in order to receive.”[51]

Astrologer Carol Barbeau says: “One of my favorite sayings is ‘sometimes we have to let go of what we thought we wanted in order to have what we really do deserve, which is often more than we could have imagined’. … be ready to let go of what is not working and BRING in the brilliance of new ideas and new people and NEW joy in life. … Wish, hope, believe and DO the work necessary to make your life Grow. … Open up and … FLY into our own sources of self and higher power this month.”!

A couple hours earlier before I opened Carol’s email I noted “Sooner or later we will have to let go of everything. The more we let go the lighter our load will be.”

May 13th –

In the Destiny Card system we have what is known as Auspicious Years of various sorts including the Pinnacle Year that may occur twice in a lifetime! This is such a year for yours truly and I have been looking forward to it for a number of years! I had imagined it as a major graduation for me and now that I am in the midst of it I see it may very well be just that. I also imagined possibly moving onto a “sweeter” living situation than the one I currently have. I actually do not know about that at this time although I am open to the possibility. In any case I got to wondering: “what is the true nature of my current pinnacle year?” I realized by forming this question that I cold have the option of a potential Oracle Reading. I acted on that and gave myself a reading.

The “What” part is portrayed in the Sabian Symbol I got for Gemini 1 degree:


(Gemini 1° to Gemini 15°)

First Hemicycle: The Process of Individualization
Act 1: Differentiation


KEYNOTE: The revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures.

Within the relative security of a “boat,” an individual person can learn to be aware of the as yet hidden contents of man’s collective Unconscious — provided this boat (that is to say, his ego that separates him from the collective planetary psyche of mankind) has been given a glass bottom. The conscious mind must have become, in part at least, translucent. This translucency is not direct openness. The window of the mind remains closed, but through it the individual can become aware of the outside — here “outside” means the psychic depths below the normal level of consciousness.

At this first stage of the “discovery” process one can only speak of vision, not identification. The feeling is one of wonder. “I did not know this could exist! How beautiful)” or “How exciting!” A NEW DIMENSION OF REALITY is perceived by the earnest inquirer.

There “Whereto” is depicted at Sagittarius 1 degree:

Second Hemicycle: The Process of Collectivization
Act III: Group-Integration

(Sagittarius 1° to Sagittarius 15°)



KEYNOTE: The will to reaffirm the value of the struggle upon which civilization and group-achievements are founded.

Two important factors are revealed in this symbol: the men who have come together are Army men, and they are linked by actions and a type of consciousness that have roots in a common past. What we call “civilization” is built by constant struggles against nature, for it seeks to wrench power from nature. This element of power is seen in its most obvious aspect in the military consciousness. Moreover, all civilization is built upon the accumulated products of the experiences of past generations of dedicated men who agree to follow rather rigid procedures of work. Veterans’ groups in all countries seek to rekindle in their members the old fire of well-fought battles; but the type of abstract or religious thinking normally related to the zodiacal sign, Sagittarius, also implies a special kind of “fire.” It is a fire that burns the “now” of natural living in order to build a greater “tomorrow.” It is future-oriented It aspires to produce a greater, wider civilization, even though it finds its roots in the harvest of mankind’s past. Comradeship and group activities are implied, but the togetherness is one of fighting spirits.

This is the first stage of the forty-ninth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. The symbol should be understood in its widest and most basic meaning, not merely as the reunion of old comrades, but as referring to the very power implied in the process of civilization, as opposed to culture — thus to the PERPETUATION of the spirit of struggle for power.

The “How” follows at 1 degree Virgo:

Act II: Stabilization

(Virgo 1° to Virgo 15°)



KEYNOTE: The capacity to picture to oneself clearly the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation.

During the two preceding Scenes (Leo 29 and 30 degrees) the “feel” of energy at work has been the dominant feature of a consciousness still strongly ego-centered yet at times eagerly and devotionally reaching up to a realization of divine or cosmic order. Now we have come in the seasonal cycle of the year to the sign Virgo. It is in a sense the symbol of harvesting, but it is also that of the Path of discipleship, and of all strongly determined processes of training, or retraining. Flooded with and having enjoyed and released energy, the personalized consciousness now has to learn the lesson of significant form. It must be able to see life situations as wholes of experience, and to discover their meaning by distinguishing their most characteristic features.

This is the first stage of the thirty-first five-fold sequence of symbols and its Keyword is DISCRIMINATION. Implied in discrimination is both analysis and intuition. The mind separates and identifies — and unfortunately often exaggerates — what makes a person or a situation different from another; but the intuitive responses of the whole person to what confronts him or her is also essential, for what matters is not only my or your “difference,” but the place and function this difference occupies in the organic pattern of the evolution of “humanity as a whole,” i.e. of Man.

And finally the “Why” at Pisces 1 degree:

Act IV: Capitalization

Dane Rudhyar

(Pisces 1° to Pisces 15°)



KEYNOTE: The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community.

In any twelve-fold division of a complete cycle (for instance the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 Houses of a birth chart) the twelfth section often has been given a negative significance. It can refer to oppressive conditions as it represents a “closing of accounts,” a final evaluation of the harvest of the cycle. A very bad harvest may lead to bankruptcy; a premature revolt may bring the rebel to jail; the dissolute may end in a hospital. In this section of the cycle a man reaps what he has sown. But it may also be honors, social prestige, the interests of well-managed wealth. In this twenty-fourth scene what is stressed is the coming together, in a final experience of community, of all factors previously experienced; this means constructive interaction and an interchange of the products of social activity. In a practical sense, the symbol, whenever it is found, emphasizes that the time has come to take full advantage of the social opportunities to bargain and to trade.

This is the first stage of the process related to the sixty-seventh five-fold sequence of symbols. It refers to all that can be gained from social interplay and especially, in the broadest sense of the word, from COMMERCE.

The preceding and final “keynote” is the creme de la creme for all I could wish for from in a “Pinnacle Year”. I wish to embrace the spirit and soul of this deeply into my heart!

Just submitted the following as a comment to an article on the addiction of religion.[52]

I appreciate these conversations in response to the article!

I see religion in context to consciousness and consciousness is not necessarily logical. According to Gene Keys author Richard Rudd we all have a unique configuration of geniusness encoded within our holographic human design. We don’t really need to have perfect agreement with one another to live in harmony with our design. I naturally did not realize this forty some years ago when I was in “The Church” and consequently was subject to the conditioning elements that had been established in my life that had started since at least the day I was born if not before.

We are all conditioned. Many of us have been conditioned by religion. Whether or not religion is or can be an addiction is possibly a mute point in light of the universal conditioning field that exists on this planet! However, it appears that religion often underscores the impact of conditioning. At least I found that to be true for me.

The conditioning of “authority” was probably my biggest issue. Fortunately I woke up to the dysfunctional behavior that I had continued allowing in my life even though I had left the original severe authoritarian conditioning field of my birth father. My internalized conditioning continued! Then four years later in “The Church” I got to have an experience of hell by acquiescing to the appearance of church “authority” even though it was truly my own conditioning that I was following. I am grateful I experienced 30 days of institutionalized hell because when I did get out I promised myself I would never allow anyone to “lord it over me” ever again! That was the first day of my greater freedom, not necessarily from “religion” but more so from the conditioning fields that exist in family/tribes and throughout the collective society. I eventually did leave the Church yet it was a serendipitous departure of a new door opening to a new chapter in my life!

May 17th –

Just completed another Oracle reading that I am amazed fits right next to that of the preceding reading! My inquiry was: “What is the true nature of my relationship with D.M. (my birth mother)?”


(First Hemicycle: The Process of Individualization – Act II: Stabilization – SCENE TEN: RELEASE – THIRD LEVEL: INDIVIDUAL/MENTAL)


KEYNOTE: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men.

“Coming as it does as the end of this tenth scene and linked with the last degree of the zodiacal sign, Leo, this symbol seems at first quite puzzling; when it has been thought of as an isolated symbol, its essential meaning has not been apparent. The fact that a letter is unsealed does not imply a trust that other people will not read its contents, but rather the idea that the contents are for all men to read. The letter contains a public message in the sense that when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development — which we see in the very first symbol for Leo — he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity. Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time. What any man thinks and deeply realizes becomes the property of all men. Nothing is more senseless than possessiveness in the realm of ideas. If God speaks to a man, Man hears the word. Nothing can remain permanently ‘sealed.’

As this thirtieth sequence of five symbols ends, it is made clear to us, and particularly to the inherently proud Leo type, that all that takes form within the mind of a man belongs to all men. Communication and SHARING must always prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas and information.”

I had shared the (email) “communication” that I had received from “D” this afternoon with a friend and told him that I intended to do a reading before responding to that email. My friend asked me about the communicative nature of the relationship. I responded saying that it has always been a challenge for me. Even when I very consciously choose to “Not Take Anything Personal” (as per my “Second Agreement” that I applied after my reading of D’s email) it left me with a fundamental question that I then formed into my Oracle inquiry. I am truly grateful that I can form “questions” and that when I apply these to the Oracle readings I’ve found that they support me in deeper contemplation of the truth of self, life and others!

“Where To”:


KEYNOTE: The ability for the person with an open mind and a deep feeling for self-transcendence to come in contact with higher forms of existence.

Dane Rudhyar: “The originally recorded Sabian symbol stated: ‘The field of Ardath in bloom,’ which referred to a scene in an occult novel by Marie Corelli centering upon ancient Babylon. The reference may well have been a ‘blind’ inasmuch as Marc Jones has stressed his inner contact with a Brotherhood with Babylonian (or ‘Sabian’) roots. A spiritual Brotherhood constitutes a state of ‘multi-unity’ — i.e. a multiplicity of individuals, if one thinks of the paths they trod to reach their final metamorphosis, but a unity of consciousness and ‘Soul’ —thus unanimity (‘anima’ meaning Soul). In this spiritual Whole each unit is a recognizable ‘form’ or entity if one looks at it with the eyes of personality; but when seen through a unified spiritual vision or from a distance, the Whole appears to be one single area of radiant light. Similarly, when studied by the modern physicist, light can be apprehended either as a stream of identifiable particles (photons) or as one continuous wave. Whether it is seen as one or the other depends on the point of view.

This is the last and culminating symbol of Scene Twenty-two of the cyclic ritual. This is indeed a fitting symbol, as the number 22 symbolizes all forms of mastery. At any level, it is a symbol of spiritual group fulfillment — of CONSCIOUS TOTALITY OF BEING.”

This coming into “contact with higher forms of existence” has been such a deep and long-standing impulse in my life that I wonder whether the “Magnetic Monopole” referred to in the Human Design System has an astrological activation associated with it? I want to research that now!

May 20th –

After meeting with my “fellow gardeners” I very soon got into a lesson from “A Course in Miracles”(ACIM) that I then found was immediately applicable to the three + hour meeting I had just participated in (during which I found myself challenged in a number of ways and questioned very early on whether this was a meeting that I really needed to attend).

In “the lesson” I thought of my mother and was inspired to make note of the following paragraph as an example of something I could possibly share with her; being that in my most recent email to her I had asked if she still “believed in Jesus”.[54]:

“What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good? Perhaps you have misunderstood His plan, for He would never offer pain to you. But your defenses did not let you see His loving blessing shine in every step you ever took. While you made plans for death, He led you gently to eternal life.”[53]

the 22nd –

I have been feeling this more intensely tonight (apparently with the full moon and with Mercury still retrograde)!:

“The human soul is a minute part of the universal Soul, and it feels so limited, so confined in the physical body that its greatest wish is to spread out into infinite space and merge with it….”[55]

Then the intensity greatly lessened after I got into contemplating the whole entire “Thought”! This underscores the importance of nourishing ourselves with “spiritual bread”.

July 7th, 2016 –

Omraam’s teaching on the choice to follow a spiritual path validates my own experience. “By accepting a spiritual teaching, the poor do not become rich, the ignorant wise, the ill healthy or the weak strong, and those who are despised and unrecognized do not receive honours and glory. There – you have been warned. And you might even feel much worse than before. Why? Because the new life beginning to move in you sees cleansing as a priority – and what an upheaval that creates!”[56]

When “the new life” began to move in me one of my very first impulses was that of cleansing. I am all the more grateful now to realize this “priority” of this impulse!

July 10th –

More on “Tommy” (as mentioned on January 1st, 2016 – Note for the “Music Perspective”)

Got inspired this past day to search Tommy+numerology. The name Tommy begins with the letter “T” which is a 2 in numerology.[57] I think 2 is the best first letter number for the name of the archetypal character that was created by Pete Townshend[58]

July 13th –

More Sabian Symbols:

I’m continually amazed to discover more of the Sabian Symbols correlated with the planetary activations in my natal chart. In the process of sharing my info with a new friend/acquaintance regarding the placement of Neptune a “fellow gardener” I then checked the Sabian Symbol for that placement whereupon I saw my note that the same symbol corresponded with my Ascendant. Well I had to verify that before telling stories about it to others and in doing that I saw a reliable reference indicating my ascendant was actually at a higher degree giving me a different symbol as follows!:


KEYNOTE: Coming to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity.

In his early course, “Symbolical Astrology,” Marc Jones sought to concretize this abstract image by speaking of “machinery parts, new and circular.” It is far better, however, to face the image in its most general sense, as he himself did later on. It is because everyday activities, whether in the home or in business, inevitably tend to repeat themselves in circular fashion that it is necessary for the individual to have rest times during which he can be released from repetitive patterns. It is only when the individual has become fully attuned to, and in a sense identified with the vast planetary and cosmic rhythms of the universe, and thus free from emotional and group tensions, that he can act serenely and at peace along “circular paths.”

At this last stage of the thirty-ninth sequence of five symbols we find an abstract image which can be interpreted in a positive or negative manner. We deal with repetitive activity; but that activity may either bind or free the consciousness of the actor. It can mean BOREDOM or TRANSPERSONAL PEACE in action.[59]

This symbol holds great meaning for me! Firstly as my own personal “Soul Sign” which happens to be an “identical twin” mirroring my Six of Hearts – Planetary Ruler Card in the Destiny Card System. Secondly – this symbol is the last of fifteen scenes that began with Libra 1 degree where I have my natal Sun placement! I also have Saturn at Libra 4 with the symbol read at 5 degrees. I’m enthralled!

July 24th, 2016 –

Ditto my July 25th, 2015 post above here! Now finding deeper meaning with Vesta! “Vesta in Fiery Leo is the Queen/Priestess/willing to give all for love and heart connection. This Vesta carries creativity, passion, power and a strong willfulness within its sacred energy. Vesta in Leo is proud and gives from the heart and soul …”[60]

27th –

“Wednesday, July 27, 2016:

At 3:44 AM EDT, Mercury, the planet of our minds and thinking, forms a trine aspect to Uranus. …

When Mercury and Uranus come together, we want to keep our eyes open for sudden awareness, unusual communications, or profound unexpected light bulb moments. The cycle between Mercury and Uranus began at the end of March 2016. What began at that time that is now resulting in the sudden surprising awareness? Continue to open your mind to new ideas and ways of being in this world. Change can come suddenly.”[61]

I’m having a direct experience of this aspect right now with an email correspondence that could lead to my supporting another individual with “new ideas and ways of being in this world.”

August 1st, 2016 –

Astrological “Midpoints” has opened a whole new perspective on reading natal charts!

Following is an example interpretation on midpoints with my natal Chiron:

“Planets activating the Chiron/Midheaven midpoint

Principle: The need to be receptive to messages coming in from the universe. One’s career needs to involved giving unconditional love to others. Any career in which one is not contributing to positively changing the world will tend to bring one misery and frustration. The need to not be attached to ones reputation in the world, to not be concerned if it is negative, and to not be too intent on trying to keep it positive.

The need to recognize oneself as a spiritual authority, and to use that authority positively by helping others to grow in consciousness.

Process: The giving up of all defenses that prevent one’s connection to the spiritual realms. The giving and receiving of parenting that is deeply healing. The ability to allow oneself to be parented by spiritual forces.

Chiron/Midheaven midpoint activated by Sun
One’s sense of self-importance is based on one’s career and place in the world. When this is expressed with selfishness and pettiness suffering is the result. When one sees one’s career ultimately as a healer and sharer of spiritual energies (no matter what the actual worldly career may be) one fulfills one’s purpose in life and is a bringer of light.”[62]

August 2nd –

Astrological aspects – astrologer Donna Cunningham says “the stimulus of a square or two is energizing.”[63] I see twelve squares in my natal chart. And since I was born in the year of the rabbit I guess that makes me the “energizer bunny”!

August 5th –

I’m surprised I apparently have not mentioned my connection with Biodynamic Agriculture in this biographical Blog. In 1990 I became a student at Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, California and started an informal “meet up” group for fellow students and friends who were interested in the idea of a Biodynamic farm based intentional community. It wasn’t until October of 1999 when I attended my first Biodynamic Conference in Spring Valley, New York. I went to the conference directly from an extended visit at Sally Fallon’s home in Washington DC (not long after preparing the first Sunday Brunch with a Nourishing Traditions menu for the founding Board Members (and spouces) of the Weston A. Price Foundation).

I could return with some of my notes about the conference.

The 12th –

In the light of a biographical memory that flashed into my awareness while reading the following quote of Omraam:

“Wearing symbolic objects or religious emblems can be useful and beneficial, but only if certain conditions are fulfilled. First you must make sure you wear only those symbols whose meaning is known to you. Each symbol is as it were a sign by which nature spirits recognize you, and even if humans do not know what they mean, the spirits certainly do. Symbols always relate to entities, and everyone who makes use of them comes into contact with these entities and makes contracts with them that can cost very dear.”[64]

Up until about August of 1970 I had identified with “the Christian cross” yet had absolutely no awareness of coming “into contact with … entities and mak(ing) contracts with them”! I hadn’t thought about this at all before now and suddenly wonder whether letting go of this “symbolic object… or religious emblem” did “cost” me. I think it could be explored. I certainly had crossed a threshold between my departure from the Episcopal Church religion and my entrance into “The Church in Chicago”!

August 29 –

Transiting Pluto!
I have Pluto transits that will pretty much guarantee deep changes and I am looking forward to the end results!

“Transiting Pluto brings intensity and focus to our lives. Pluto breaks through illusions, in search of the utter truth. These are not Saturn truths, when we see things for what they are in a mundane or material sense. Pluto probes much deeper, shining light on our darkness. Transiting Pluto offers us the chance to evolve and to rebirth. Pluto acts to strip away what is unnecessary or superficial in our lives. Pluto wants deep experience, of the transformational kind. Things that are not working for us, whether they are thought processes or lifestyles, undergo a transformation. Pluto transits bring about rebirths of sorts in the areas of life affected. Pluto transits are about letting go of things that are holding us back from deep and meaningful experience.”[65]

August 30, 2016 –

My Natal Jupiter:

“People who have their natal Jupiter in the 6th house actually love to work. Through working, they gain deep satisfaction and gratify themselves; it is their way of philosophical evolution. For them, it is very easy to find a new job and Jupiter usually gives a lot of them. Such a native will not be left unemployed for long; when he applies for a new position he will be granted it earlier than all the rest. Actually, the reason of him changing jobs might be only to find something better or to try experiencing a new position or work type.”[68]

Finally have a positive acknowledgment on the “lot of” my “changing jobs” and now this feels good!

September 15th –

Got inspired from one of my main subscriptions (with an announcement of a new film) to search the birthday of the “star”.

A Birthday of June 21st gives the
“star” the Nine of Clubs:

The 9 of Clubs is known as “The Universal Knowledge Card” in Robert Camp’s “Love Cards”.

“This is a card of expanded consciousness. Those who have this Birth Card experience revelations about life and the truth behind what is going on here on Earth that few other cards do.

Though this is a card of expanded consciousness, it is also a card of negative thinking. These people must let go of many negative mental patterns accumulated from past lives if they are to access the inherent power in this card. There are many who do and who have reached the very heights of recognition through their work of giving knowledge to the world.

The Nine of Clubs is here to end a major cycle in their soul’s development, a completion that should see them giving their wealth of knowledge to the world. There are some debts to be paid, but once these debts are paid, they can proceed with their cosmic task of enlightening the world.”

Also “The 9 of Clubs is known as the ‘Adventurer’s Card’. They like to gamble and are always willing to take a chance. They are intensely curious and when they apply their adventurous spirit to the field of knowledge, they are capable of making profound discoveries that can benefit others on a universal scale.”

I have this as my Neptune Card in my Life Spread under my Incarnation Card of the Five of Clubs. Neptune is the “Divine Dreamer”, “Divine Inspiration”, the planet of Enlightenment that inspires us to transcend ordinary reality and commune directly with the Divine. It is also the dissolution of the old structures both personal and social. Therefore the 9 of clubs is very harmonious as the Neptune Card! The only exception I see is that I’m no longer into gambling and not willing to take chances (as I have in the past) and therefore am not planning on reaching the “heights of recognition” (at least not too high ; ~ ).


September 20th, 2016 –

Just now discovered the astrological influence/s corresponding to my extended journey of  death and rebirth between Summer of 1970 through 1971. The major influence was headed up by Mr. Transformation himself: transiting Pluto conjunct my natal 12th House Sun along with leading cohort transiting Uranus conjunct 12th House Saturn and AC as well as transiting Wounded Healer Chiron at DC (not to mention transiting Saturn sextile natal Saturn)! I’m virtually exhausted just tracking all this through the Ephemeris!


October  17, 2016 –

I’m learning about the astroid Hygeia in my natal chart. “Hygeia governs sanitation, hygiene, ecology, preservation, discovery of vaccines, medical and alternative health organizations, fitness and exercise, places of meditation and recovery and all venues that recognize the link between mind, body and spirit. Hygeia is also associated with physical, mental and chemical imbalances.”[69]


[1] Zeno – The Course in Human Design v.2 page 59.

[2] My top 13 Blogs are:

#1.) Son of Truth of Self:
[viewed 959,821 times as of January 3, 2016]

#2.) Chef Jemichel:

#3.) Raw Milk: The Whole Truth:

#4.) The Whey, The Truth and The Life:

#5.) Cheeta:

#6.) The U-n-I-Verse:

#7.) Psyche & Health:

#8.) Evolving Nutrition Awareness:

#9.) Raw Goat Milk Magic:

#10.) I Love:

#11.) My Human Design:

#12.) Transformations With Chef Jemichel:

#13.) Creme de la Creme

[3] VerDarLuz CelestiOwl

[4] http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Virgo%201-15.htm

[5] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/forest-a-world-of-living-beings_2015-07-29

[6] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/about-us

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Forest

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholicism

[9] http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2219314

[10] https://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/bitstream/handle/10339/39388/May_wfu_0248M_10634.pdf

[11] http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2154949

[12] http://www.cageyfilms.com/2012/03/stanley-kubrick-5a-science-fiction-2001-a-space-odyssey/

[13] ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1352&context=mzwp

I originally used “essentials of autobiography” as my search terms and that gave me two search results! I’m glad I had the idea of using these terms as “dialogue and reflection” speaks volumes to me! If “dialogue” can also be considered as a “complicated conversation with oneself (as a ‘private’ intellectual)[15] then I can see the “essentials of autobiography” pursued in a series of dyads! Anyone who knows me can probably understand how delighted I may be about the thought of that! ; ~ ) Wow – autobiographical dyads, what a concept! Come to think of it I recall having had some experience of this in my very first enlightenment intensive! The “reflections” that emerged at that time included apocalyptic themes that I related to my experience in “The Church”. My seven-year Church-life cycle could be one one entire autobiographical dyad series (ADS)[32].

[14] http://old.religiouseducation.net/member/06_rea_papers/Kissel-Ito_Cindy.pdf

[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Erin_MU_Grad

[16] http://www.monju32.webspace.virginmedia.com/MillLightAnthrop.htm

[17] http://www.secondcomingmission.com/no_frames/irelandpage.htm

[18] http://www.uncletaz.com/hubbstein.html

[19] http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html

[21] http://www.dyad.org/books/EnlightenmentManual.pdf

[22] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/life-and-death-choices-we-are-continually-making-in-the-spiritual-realm_2015-10-11

[23] http://us11.campaign-archive1.com/?u=36e1929b913daa1ccbf270e27&id=8d86c1989e&e=cb715dbd8a

[24] http://www.chaosastrology.net/freeastrologyreports.cfm

[25] http://www.curezone.info/blogs/f.asp?f=3569

[26] http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Sagittarius%2016-30.htm

[27] “There is not merely one conception of the world that can be defended, or justified, but there are twelve. And one must admit that just as many good reasons can be adduced for each and all of them as for any particular one. The world cannot be rightly considered from the one-sided standpoint of one single conception, one single mode of thought; the world discloses itself only to someone who knows that one must look at it from all sides.

Just as the sun — if we go by the Copernican conception of the universe — passes through the signs of the Zodiac in order to illuminate the earth from twelve different points, so we must not adopt one standpoint, the standpoint of Idealism, or Sensationalism, or Phenomenalism, or any other conception of the world with a name of this kind; we must be in a position to go all round the world and accustom ourselves to the twelve different standpoints from which it can be contemplated.

In terms of thought, all twelve standpoints are fully justifiable. For a thinker who can penetrate into the nature of thought, there is not one single conception of the world, but twelve that can be equally justified — so far justified as to permit of equally good reasons being thought out for each of them. There are twelve such justified conceptions of the world.”

– See more at: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA151/English/RSP1961/19140121p01.html#sthash.syKx2JLy.dpuf

[28] http://www.presentationzen.com/

(See: “Being a contributor…more important than being a hero” at about one third down the page.)

[29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT-diR6gPAw

[30] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/ancestors-and-descendants-we-help-them-thanks-to-our-spiritual-work_2015-12-21

[31] http://with-omraam.com/6708/

[32] The “autobiographical dyad series” (ADS) and the twelve perspectives (for a most wholistic autobiography) can be coined as ADS-12 or 12-ADS. (All I need now is a recording device with dragon speak (or the like) for the transcription.)

[33] http://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2250236

[34] http://www.skyscript.co.uk/Hendrix.html#14back

[35] http://www.astrology-life.webs.com/

[36] http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/who/imfree.html

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Is_Just_Alright

[38] http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/common/epiphany

[39] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/effort-is-all-that-counts-not-the-results_2016-01-06

[40] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.astrology/ttRF5Sbl5Ho

[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn!

[42] http://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/the-progressed-moon.html

[43] http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Scorpio%201-15.htm

[44] Blind Faith – “Presence Of The Lord” by Eric Clapton:

Comment by notfragile33 at:

Question I’ve always had is: Why hasn’t this song ever been covered by a Christian artist? Why isn’t it sung in churches? There is nothing unbiblical about this song at all, compared to others of the era that had questionable lyrics, such as “Spirit In the Sky”, “Stairway to Heaven”, “My Sweet Lord”, and “Jesus is Just Alright”. This one is sincere, and I believe, divinely inspired.

More @ You Tube:

[45] /An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Scorpio%2016-30.htm

[46] http://aquaorfire.net/astrology/inside_degrees/inside_degrees.html#scorpio29

[47] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cllmax

Note that Curezone censored the above url because of the last word. Therefore you will need to replace the second “l” with an “i” to get to the page that I have linked)

[48] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/water-a-materialization-of-the-cosmic-fluid-learn-to-use-it-to-positively-influence-your-mind_2016-02-17

[49] http://www.chaosastrology.net/samples/natalreport.cfm

Pages 10-11 Man’s Psychic Life: Elements and Structures.
with the book’s excerpt linked from:

[51] http://www.carolbarbeau.com/may-2016-astrology-overview.html

[52] http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/05/11/73433/

[53] http://acim.org/Lessons/lesson.html?lesson=135

[54] In the most recent correspondence I referred to a statement she had made I believe around the time that her younger daughter had crossed the threshold. She said: “I still believe in Jesus”. It came to me a number of times since then to ask her what that means to her. I finally was inspired to ask her. If she responds I could possibly refer to the ACIM lesson. I am not making any assumptions about this!

[55] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/soul-human-a-minute-part-of-the-universal-soul_2016-05-22

[56] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/life-spiritual-practising-it-does-not-spare-us-all-our-problems_2016-07-08

[57] http://www.numerology.com/numerology-numbers/2

[58] http://www.thewho.com/history/pete-townshend/

[59] http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Libra%201-15.htm

[60] http://www.carolbarbeau.com/vesta_keeper_of_the_flame.html

[61] http://astrolore.org/astrolores-weekly-astrology-weather-july-25-2016-through-july-31-2016/?utm_source=Astrolore+Web+List&utm_campaign=66fa8a32e7-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ee7c3450af-66fa8a32e7-344362061&mc_cid=66fa8a32e7&mc_eid=b9d4379379

[62] http://teachmeastrology.com/midpoint-calculator/

[63] https://skywriter.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/aspects-101-astrological-aspects-and-what-they-mean/

[64] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/symbolic-objects-conditions-to-be-fulfilled-before-wearing-them_2016-08-13

[65] https://cafeastrology.com/plutotransits.html

[66] http://freespiritedmind.com/blog/natal-neptune-in-the-1st-house/

[67] ibid

[68] http://dmastro.com/

[69] https://starcounsell.wordpress.com/2014/03/15/what-on-earth-is-a-yod-the-astrology-of-yods-part-one-c-copyright-hilary-bond-phd-all-rights-reserved/

Truth, Self, Psyche, Human Design, Transformation, Love, autobiography, philosophy, higher learning, principles, ethics, storytelling, venus retrograde, counter culture, mayan, peace, perspectives, Family, Communication, Christian, Health, Community, Spiritual emergency, Healing, soul, astrology, Hygeia

Civilization in Transition

Welcome to my first post at this newly created WordPress site! The ongoing theme here is most largely devoted to “These Truths”.

The following is entirely based on a reprint of my CureZone.com blog post that represents one of my current research projects. This independent research issues from my studies with The Organic Laws Institute and the professorship of Dr. Ed Rivera whom I have been a student of for several years. The research initially focused upon a reference that Dr. Rivera made to a statement by Hermann Göring (while  he was under examination at the Nuremberg Trial) concerning the combined offices of “head of state” with “head of government” that Hitler had obtained.

Re-writting History

Inspired during my hearing of a report from a professor friend regarding political debates in America that included a general reference made to “The Constitution”. I replied saying the idea that government is based solely on this Constitution doesn’t follow historical fact as it is only one fourth of the Organic Laws and as such is required to be read in light of the other three Organic Laws. The professor agreed! American History has been re-written!

Date:   7/29/2016

1984[1] is possibly the leading narrative on the necessity for re-writing history whenever government deems it in its best interest.

We in the u.s. of A. have been long past “1984” as a (de facto) reality. The history here that has long been re-written (as early as September 17, 1787) when the fourth “Organic Law” in the form of the writing of “the Constitution” was completed. Probably, the most important particular “history” that was re-written at that time was in regards to the validity of the second Organic Law: The Articles of Confederation (1777).

The new Federalist claimed that their new Constitution replaced the second Organic Law however replacement would have required a lawful repealing of the later and that Lawful requirement simply never ever occurred! The difference between the historical truth and rewritten history in this instance is the difference between true liberty and “doublethink” that says war is freedom.

August 2nd, 2016 –

I’m posting the following here rather than start a new blog-post as I begin to research about The California Republic’s original constitution that I believe “guaranteed” free higher education to it’s Citizens.

In the process of my research I found this to be of interest:

“… Although tradition speaks of the unfurling of the Stars and Stripes immediately after the Declaration of Independence, there is no definite evidence of the use of the flag of thirteen stars and thirteen stripes prior to its adoption by the American Congress. George Henry Preble, Rear Admiral, U. S. N., in his “History of the Flag of the United States of America,” has
this to say :

‘Beyond a doubt, the thirteen stars and stripes were unfurled at the battle of Brandywine, September 11, 1777, eight days after the official promulgation of them at Philadelphia, …'”[2]

The following is from the “archive”[2] and may be my main reference and basis for a letter to the UC regents:


Inalienable rights.

Section 1. All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, § 1]

The superior “Declaration of Rights” should be based on the phrase “unalienable Rights” exactly as it is written in the first Organic Law: The Declaration of Independence.

The two terms: “unalienable” and “inalienable” have distinctively different meanings.[3]

[Now (11:06 AM on Tuesday, August 2nd) I’m convinced that this particular post: “Re-writting History” is the perfect place for this additional posting as I read at the adask.wordpress.com:

“… the Jefferson Memorial includes an excerpt from the ‘Declaration of Independence’ attributed to Jefferson that referred to our ‘inalienable Rights’. But the text of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ expressly refers to our ‘unalienable Rights’. Thus, the ‘Declaration of Independence’ is misquoted in 12″ high letters that are carved in stone.”

Purpose of government.

Sec. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good mav require it. [Constitution of 1849, Art. I, §2]

[Comment] Do UC Regents declare any kind of “oath of office” that includes supporting this constitution? I’ve not seen one. If the Regents do declare their allegiance to the “spirit of the (American and then California) Law” then the people need to hold the Regents accountable to their declarations and to supporting “the protection … of the people” who in this instance are students – firstly by protecting their unalienable Rights to “enjoying and defending (their) life and liberty; … pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness” without risk of injury (as is known to have occurred with vaccinations).

[9/13/16 Received a reply from UC Regents Administration offices indicating that the Regents do declare an oath. I responded with a request to view these oaths.]

The 6th of August –

The Regents apparently co-wrote the University of California’s new requirement, that they passed last year, for all students to have their MMR, TdaP, Varicella and Meningococcal conjugate shots before the first day of school. There are several areas of issues regarding this including legal issues however I present an additional perspective that some may automatically think is “legal” whereas the foundation I am pointing is actually one of fundamental Law namely the Organic Laws of the United States of America. It is somewhat a “knee-jerk reaction” to think in legal terms as is so often the case in a litigious society and in doing so too often loose sight of what comes before the legal system. In such a “culture” I feel the necessity to return to the foundation in Law, not only for the Regents to refer to but especially for the students to be empowered by “these Truths” (possibly “enlightened” by them).

I count it a real misfortune that American history as it is taught in the school system is compromised. If we are to continue on course as a people who embody the true spirit of America then we must recover our history from the perspective of our Organic Laws. You could say that I’m on a mission for that purpose – The Recovery of American History According to The Organic Laws of the United States of America (RahAtOLusA).

The Declaration of Independence is the first of four Organic Laws the cornerstone of American Law. Without it we do not have American Law or an American Nation. The Constitution of September 17, 1787 is the fourth Organic Law and it naturally comes after the first. Referring to this Constitution as if it were the only foundation for America is truly problematic because it’s true standing (if any) can only be within the context of the first Organic Law. If the “Constitution” is “divorced” from the Declaration of Independence then we are without our “North Star” as our guiding light. We must “hold these truths to be self evident” or we are subject to whatever the prevailing political winds of the day may be. We must know that “Life” includes our individual health and total well-being that is our natural unalienable Right meaning that it can not be given away or compromised by anything including an institution’s “requirement” under color of institutional law and/or in the name of public health. Aside from “law” – there is no public health without healthy individuals – the only place where health begins. (Health issues are an additional arena of issues regarding vaccinations.)

The second Organic Law is The Articles of Confederation wherein every State is bond to honor the freedom of its “free inhabitants”. Any American who is not in “voluntary servitude” to the “United States” is free from external government in complete congruence with the first Organic Law that finally rejected external government.

10th of August, 2016 –

Continuing on the above theme regarding “vaccinations” even though I have sent off my letter to the UC Regents as I now have some additional “leads” regarding deep issues with the law.

In the process I discovered the following book: “Restore The Republic”. Serendipitously the forward by Ron Paul speaks to a “redefinition” that is expressed in a Congressional Research Service report that I took note of regarding the Commerce Clause (the redefining of which I do not agree with).

“… the commerce clause originally was intended as a limited grant of federal power to allow the federal government to ensure free-trade between the states. ‘Progressive’ lawyers, judges, politicians, and academics attacked this accepted understanding, however, and redefined the commerce clause as a general grant of power to regulate all areas of our economic and personal lives. …” Ron Paul in the Forward to Jonathan Emord’s book “Restore the Republic” (2012).[4]

Jonathan begins his Introduction (after a quote from Madison) with: “The United States has lost its constitutional identity.”

I don’t think there is more precise wording that can be assembled to express the mammoth truth of this statement. The more I contemplate it the more profound it becomes in my awareness! To know the depth and breadth of the truth in this statement (IMO) requires a “graduate” level understanding of the four Organic Laws of The United States of America. That is because the three preceding Organic Laws are required as a collective context for a true understanding of the last Organic Law: the Constitution of September 17, 1787. This last Organic law didn’t suddenly appear out of no where! The facts at Law indicate that it is a direct extension of the second Organic Law: The “Articles of Confederation”, a Law that is recognized by the United States Government Printing Office in the publication of “United States Code” where on the title page of Volume One it reads: “Organic Laws” followed by “Title 1”.[23]

Understanding the four Organic Laws will give you a true historical perspective of the “United States” whereby you will see that that the “United States” is distinctly preceded by “The United States of America” in both the first and second Organic Laws; that the “United States” pertains to property owned by “The United States of America” as set forth in the Northwest Territory as represented in the third Organic Law: “Ordinance of 1787: The Northwest Territorial Government”. What amounts to as a “myopic” focus on the “Constitution” typically does not include the greater and very essential context/the complete foundation for “the last Organic Law: the Constitution of September 17, 1787”.

Also – More on “Unalienable”:

“…1778, John Jay … in an essay entitled. ‘A Freeholder, A Hint to the Legislature of the State of New York’ …The undoubted right and unalienable privilege of a freeman …”:

The 11th of August, 2016 –

From Black’s Law Dictionary –

“Incapable of being aliened, that is, sold and transferred.”[5]

“Not subject to alienation …”[6]

Although both of these legal terms share the core term of “lien[7] these are actually two different terms with separate and distinct meanings. The difference is between “incapable” and “not subject to”.

The 12th –

Alfred Adask explains the difference:

At first glance the two terms seem pretty much synonymous. However, while the word “inalienable” is “not subject to alienation,” the word “unalienable” is “incapable of being aliened”. I believe the distinction between these two terms is this:

“Unalienable” is “incapable” of being aliened by anyone, including the man who holds something “unalienable”. Thus, it is impossible for any individual to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of an “unalienable Right”. It is impossible for you to take one of my “unalienable rights”. It is likewise impossible for me to even voluntarily surrender, sell or transfer one of my “unalienable rights”. Once I have something “unalienable,” it’s impossible for me to get rid of it. It would be easier to give up the color of my eyes or my heart than to give up that which is “unalienable”.

That which is “inalienable,” on the other hand, is merely “not subject to alienation”. Black’s 2nd does not declare that it’s absolutely impossible for that which is “inalienable” to be sold, transferred or assigned. Instead, I believe that “inalienable” merely means that “inalienable rights” are not subject to “alienation” by others. That is, no one can compel me to sell, abandon or transfer any of my “inalienable” rights. I am not “subject” to compelled “alienation” by others.

But that leaves open the question of whether I may am entitled to voluntarily and unilaterally sell, transfer, abandon or otherwise surrender that which is “inalienable”. Thus, while it is impossible for me to abandon, or for government to take, my “unalienable rights,” it is possible for me to voluntarily waive my “inalienable” rights. I strongly suspect that our gov-co presumes that our rights are at best “inalienable,” and that since we have not expressly claimed them, we could have and therefore must have waived them.[8]

I highly encourage your clear understanding of the above distinction. Let there be no doubt in your thoughts or in your heart about all your Rights both your natural unalienable Rights as well as your inalienable rights.

Alfred Adask continues to articulate the difference:

If we look at Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (A.D. 1856) we’ll see:

“INALIENABLE. A word denoting the condition of those things the property in which cannot be lawfully transferred from one person to another. …”

“UNALIENABLE. Incapable of being transferred. Things which are not in commerce, … The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable.”

Clearly, the words are not synonymous. While “inalienable” rights can’t be “lawfully” transferred “to another,” they might nevertheless be waived by the holder or perhaps “unlawfully” (privately??) “transferred” to someone else. However, those rights which are “unalienable” are absolutely incapable of being transferred lawfully, unlawfully, administratively, privately or by implication or operation of law. That which you have, which is “unalienable,” is your wrists in an absolute sense that cannot possibly be discarded, transferred, sold, or otherwise abandoned.

Also, note that the word “unalienable” describes things which are “not in commerce”. However, it appears that those things which are “inalienable” could be “in commerce”. As you know, much of the trouble we have with the modern government is based on government’s claim of power to regulate all that is involved in interstate commerce. In so far as you may be able to prove that any item or right you seek to use or exercise is “unalienable,” that item or right would be beyond the power of our government to regulate under interstate commerce. You can see the power potential in “unalienable”.

Most importantly, as declared in the “Declaration of Independence,” all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Our unalienable rights flow from God and are not subject to man’s meddling. Bouvier’s agrees by defining “unalienable” as including our “natural” rights (which flow from “nature’s God”).

I would encourage you to underscore: “You can see the power potential in ‘unalienable'” in every way that you can. What is unalienable is absolutely beyond the jurisdiction of Congress! What is beyond the jurisdiction of Congress is not subject to governmental regulations. Let your unalienable Rights be your reality! Let all things to the country be the illusionary fiction that they truly are.

August 13, 2016 –

The importance of human history lies in its meaning. Answering this question (one of eight) is a requirement that helps characterize one’s world view: “What is the meaning of human history?”[9]

the 24th –

Although we have a virtually undisputed history in the court room referred to below you won’t find the inspiration for the making of the German dictator included in the United States history books.

In a suggested letter by Ed Rivera to presidential candidates Ed quotes from a DVD version of the Nuremberg Trial. I had to verify that quote before posting it here. I just found it at Amazon:

“Stahmer cued Goring to explain where the idea had come from to combine the ceremonial head of state and the head of government in one person, Adolf Hitler. That was simple, Goring explained. They had taken their example from the similar dual roles of the president of the United States.” –
Nuremberg : Infamy on Trial Reprint Edition
by Joseph E. Persico[10]

I find this a rather electrifying verification. Now I’d like to see how close I can get to the court transcripts!

In the meanwhile here’s another reference to the above:

“Goring even claimed that when Hitler subverted Germany’s republican constitution by amalgamating the offices of chancellor and president, he was merely emulating the powers of the office of President of the United States, which merged the roles of head of government and head of state.”[11]

Author of the above quoted article provided me with two links. One to: “The International Military Tribunal for Germany – Contents of The Nuremberg Trials Collection” at the Lillian Goldman Law Library 127 Wall Street, New Haven, Conn.. I need to contact their librarian.[12]

August 26th, ’16 –

There are two different offices of President referred to in the American Constitution of September 17, 1787.[13]

Also found an impressive old newspaper with article on the combined offices that were given to Hitler.[14]

“Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. … in private Hitler had expressed hope that ‘the old reactionary’ would die soon so that he could merge the two offices of president and Chancellor together. …”[15]

Plus: A “… course was adopted for curtailing the (separate) powers of the president. One prerogative after another was taken from Hindenburg, as in the second Reichstag Fire Decree the right to appoint national commissioners …, and in the Enabling Act the right to issue decree laws. As for the balance, Hindenburg’s death was awaited. When he did die in August 1934, Hitler could have had himself or some puppet elected president. But he preferred combining the two offices of president and chancellor by decree, subsequently sanctioned by plebiscite.”[16]

August 28th, ’16 –

Cont. research Re: the Nuremberg Trials:

“… Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Allied Control Council (ACC) Law No. 10, October 1946-April 1949.

Originally, a second international trial at Nuremberg was to have focused primarily on the activities of German finance and industry during the Third Reich. The so-called ‘industrialists trial,’ was widely regard(ed) as of equal importance to the prosecution of the Nazi and SS high command. The United States vetoed this plan, declaring in the autumn of 1945 that it would refuse to participate in any further international trials and would hold separate prosecutions on its own.”[17]

29th –

Sent email message to author Joseph Persico asking for his assistance in accessing an online source of the Nuremberg trial transcripts.

September 12,

Got a reply from a family member of Joseph Persico informing me that he had crossed the threshold.

Further research regarding Hitler’s rise to power gave me (what I call) the lion’s share of an overview of inter-connecting “surface” dots except for the financial backing. Now I have both surface and backing in one article.[18]

September 13th –

Got the transcripts in a PDF from the Library of Congress and read a considerable amount of the prosecution’s examination of Hermann Göring.

“… it should be remembered that Göring was a bona fide war hero who received the coveted Orden Pour le Merite during World War I and was a figure of high importance in the Nazi hierarchy. His place at the center of great events makes Göring worthy of careful study and close scrutiny even today.”[20]

I find the above quote validating to this continuing research project even though it appears that i have the quote that I was originally inspired to search for as of some weeks ago.[21]

11:22 PM Just commented after an article interview with the great niece of Hermann Goring:

Greetings Simon!

I appreciate your “opinion” re: DNA as well as virtually everything else you had to say in your subsequent comment.

I offer the following perspective in regards to how people can “come to terms” with the past. This perspective is based on “New Medicine” (as per the Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Geerd Hamer) where the perception of certain events create a “shock conflict” within the individual’s psyche. I believe the same phenomena occurs in the collective psyche as well as within the individual. Resolution of the conflict can be supported with a certain kind of “confrontation” regarding what the conflict means to the individual. I see the confrontation process on the magnitude of war crimes and the like as requiring considerable support for the individual. Without that support variations of “denial” or avoidance is a natural response!

Thinking in terms of “bad genes” does not allow for this kind of confrontation.[22]

[1] “Nineteen Eighty-four (published in 1949), a novel (George Orwell) wrote as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism. The novel is set in an imaginary future in which the world is dominated by three perpetually warring totalitarian police states. The book’s hero, the Englishman Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary in one of those states. His longing for truth and decency leads him to secretly rebel against the government, which perpetuates its rule by systematically distorting the truth and continuously rewriting history to suit its own purposes.”:


[2] https://archive.org/stream/constitutionofs00cali/constitutionofs00cali_djvu.txt

[3] https://adask.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/unalienable-vs-inalienable/

[4] https://www.amazon.com/Restore-Republic-Jonathan-Emord/dp/098499131X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331529625&sr=8-1

[5] http://thelawdictionary.org/letter/u/page/3/

[6] http://thelawdictionary.org/letter/i/page/24/

[7] Lien –
“A qualified right of property which a creditor has in or over specific property of his debtor, as security for the debt or charge or for performance of some act. …”:

[8] https://adask.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/unalienable-vs-inalienable/#comment-67648

[9] The Universe Next Door A BASIC WORLDVIEW CATALOGUE; September 2010 – Introduction:

[10] https://www.amazon.com/Nuremberg-Infamy-Trial-Joseph-Persico/dp/014016622X

Also: http://josephpersico.com

[11] http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865587554/This-week-in-history-Nazi-criminals-sentenced-at-Nuremberg.html?pg=all

[12] http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp

[13] http://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/NationalLibertyAlliance/messages/62188342/

[14] TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, August 2, 1934 –

* Germany President Paul Von Hindenburg death
* Adolph Hitler becomes president
* Nazis begin climb to full power of Germany:


[15] “Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American Republic By Donald G. Left:


<ahref=”https: books.google.com=”” books?”=””>https://books.google.com/books?%5B15%5D

[16] “Political Education of Arnold Brecht: An Autobiography, 1884-1970” by Arnold Brecht:


“Arnold Brecht witnessed and participated in the course of German history from the late 19th century to the present. Serving under seven Reich chancellors, he became acting Secretary of State, and was finally removed from office by Hitler in 1933.”:


Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Brecht

[17] http://www.archives.gov/iwg/research-papers/trial-of-war-criminals-before-imt.html

[18] http://nstarzone.com/HITLER.html

The Title for this post: “Civilization in Transition” comes from “The Collected Works of C. G. Jung,” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_in_Transition after I first read a reference to it in: http://www.unifiedlifesciences.com/ftp/education_papers/MHDS_Intro.pdf

“Jung theorized that the European conflict was essentially a psychological crisis originating in the collective unconscious of individuals.” I’ve contacted the association[19]  to read further on Jung’s theory.

[19] “Abstracts : Vol 10 : Civilization in Transition”. International Association for Analytic Psychology. Retrieved 2014-01-20.

[20] http://www.historynet.com/lost-prison-interview-with-hermann-goring-the-reichsmarschalls-revelations.htm

[21] Hermann Göring under examination at the Nuremberg Trial:

]”The Fuher told me then thlat the simplest thing to do would be to take as example the United States of America, where the head of the state is at the same time also the head of the government. Thus, following the example of the United States, we combined the position of the head of the State with the head of the government, and he called himself ‘Fuher of the German People. and Reich Chancellor of the German Reich.'”

[22] http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/10/an-interview-with-nazi-leader-hermann-goerings-great-niece/280579/

[23] Online at:



Greetings Simon!

I appreciate your “opinion” re: DNA as well as virtually everything else you had to say in your subsequent comment.

I offer the following perspective in regards to how people can “come to terms” with the past. This perspective is based on “New Medicine” (as per the Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Geerd Hamer) where the perception of certain events create a “shock conflict” within the individual’s psyche. I believe the same phenomena occurs in the collective psyche as well as within the individual. Resolution of the conflict can be supported with a certain kind of “confrontation” regarding the conflict means to the individual. I see the confrontation process on the magnitude of war crimes and the like as requiring considerable support for the individual. Without that support variations of “denial” or avoidance is a natural response!

Thinking in terms of “bad genes” does not allow for this kind of confrontation.


Sept. 18th –

It appears that Hitler (with the essential help he needed from others) had accomplished certain essentials in a relatively short period of just a few years[i] what it took the government of the “United States” about 214 years to accomplish. The combining of the offices of “head of state” with “head of government” may be one exception for it took George Washington only a few months to accomplice that!

The 19th –

More “Unalienable”:

“… unalienable rights are God’s laws and written laws must, as supported by the Declaration of Independence, apply only to a government whose purpose it is to secure those unalienable rights for the people. Complex and intricate bureaucratic government institutions are meant to ensnare those looking for the simple application of God’s unwritten law. Government laws must conform with God’s laws, so as with all written laws loopholes abound in government laws. …”[ii]

September 22nd –

“Having mental clarity and emotional calm makes all the difference in defending your unalienable Rights.”[iii]

“… civilization puts evolution in reverse, favoring corruption and its supporters, while killing the good and principled.”[iv]

September 25th –

“…The undisclosed purpose of the Constitution was to get the American people to accept as law legislation written by persons who will claim to represent their interests in a Congress of the United States.”[v]

I found link for the above quote at the top of my Google search for: “undisclosed purpose””the constitution”.

[i] Possibly 13 years.:


[ii] http://www.edrivera.com/?page_id=2

[iii] See Comment by: Joel Boyce on December 14, 2012 at:


[iv] See Comment by: “Chad in AK” on July 23, 2014


[v] Ed Rivera:  https://organiclaws.org/edsblog/