Evolving Nutritional Awareness – By Chef-Doctor Jemichel

Nutrition Works Well Only When The Food Is Digested!

Part 8 in a continuing series on the components of good nutrition.

Original Published:   8/3/2012 (viewed 3629 times at CureZone)

From a number of perspectives it appears that “It doesn’t matter what we eat; it only matters what we digest.”[4]

Not so long after the idea was presented to me that “a peanut butter and jelly sandwich has all the nutrition that we need” I was introduced to the work of Adelle Davis through a member (or two) in my local Church. The idea of “you are what you eat”[1] came along at that same time. Regardless of the credibility issues of Adelle Davis[2], I had initially ignited my “evolving nutrition awareness” with a sincere lust for the truth of what makes for good nutrition and that passionate flame has continually propelled me into deeper ongoing investigations into all that makes for truly good nutrition. Soon, the importance of good digestion became an essential foundation for developing my criteria for making dietary evaluations.

This essential foundation is referred to in the “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD I produced with Mark McAfee and Dr. Dale Jacobson (DC) who said “it’s not what you eat but what you digest”. Dale spoke about the ease of digestion with fermented foods. I have been emphasizing the inclusion of lacto-fermented foods for over fifteen years and I’m so completely convinced of this dietary truth (well-noted by Dr. Weston A. Price) that I intend to continue to advocate lacto-fermented foods for the rest of my life!

Because nutrition is good only if the food that you consume is digested!

Also related:
“Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods”[5]

GMOs and GMO “foods” are not completely digestible. The GMOs are able to survive the digestive process and take up residency in the gut of their hosts, whether human or animal hosts. Therefore, GMO “foods” do not qualify in my evaluations as truly good nutrition.

May 18, 2015 –

Digestion is a holistic process that includes the psyche! –

In my personal evolving nutritional awareness over the past couple years (that have transpired since I started this blog on the digestion component of nutrition) I’ve realized that human digestion of food is truly holistic and that therefore the food itself is only possibly about half of the whole nutrition picture! Imagine that – all the heavy (and consequentially unbalanced) emphasis that has been placed on dietary “correctness” (politically correct nutrition[3] and the object of that microscopic focus is at best maybe half of what all of real nutrition is actually all about! Following are just two of many many references for you at this time to substantiate this statement.[6]

January 9, 2016 –

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov –

“…What do you do when you eat? Before sending your food down to the stomach to be digested, you chew it. If you swallow it without chewing it sufficiently your organism cannot assimilate it completely. This why it is recommended to chew your food for a long time, until it is almost liquid and disappears in your mouth.

You should also not leave the table feeling completely satisfied; it is better to have a slight sensation of hunger. Why? So as to leave some work for the etheric body to do. Your etheric body is motivated to look for other, more subtle nourishment on a higher level and in a few moments, not only will you no longer feel hungry, but you will feel full of new energy, both physical and psychic.”[7]

March 20, 2016 –

When I was a child growing up I could eat virtually anything and almost never got stomach aches. I don’t remember getting really sick to my stomach until I started including alcoholic beverages. (If I only knew then what I now know about hard liquor I think I could have spared myself “needless suffering”!) In any case – by the time I was in my early twenty’s I took a sincere interest in nutrition and especially in integrating the new principals I was learning into my diet. In doing so I became more aware of my digestion and how I felt in my gut after eating. Consequently my diet changed and soon I no longer ate as “freely” as I did in my younger years. Years later I learned about bitters. I’ve used them before as a product. Now I have the opportunity to make my own bitters and I’m really excited about that as I have had this DIY approach to bitters mentally noted on my “list”![8]

March 21st –

Inquired with my local co-op about the prime bitter herb of gentian and also found an extensive article on it with the following recipes.:

“Lewis, in his Experimental history of the Materia medica (1791), gives this formula; it is one that is often found in materia medicas throughout the period, and on into this century both in Europe and the United States.

1 ounce dried gentian root
1 ounce fresh lemon peel
0.2 ounces dried orange peel

‘Simmer this mixture for an hour or two in three quarters of a pint of boiling water [to] make a very elegant bitter.’

Lewis also quotes the official compound gentian tincture from the Pharmacopoeia Londenensis and again, this formula and its variations are very often used, even today.

Macerate the following mixture in an ounce of proof spirit (100 proof vodka will do).

1 ounce dried gentian root
0.4 ounces dried orange peel
0.2 ounces cardamom seed

Shake the mixture daily, and after 2 weeks, squeeze out the liquid and filter. Wine and other spirits can be substituted for vodka. Dose: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon half hour before meals.”[9]

April 3rd –

Inspired (at bath time) with “The Alchemy of Digestion” that I then noted for a search. My search results include the “visual poem”:

“LEAF TEAT CURD RIND, 2011 by Elaine Tin Nyo … presents the transfiguration of grass to a soft-ripened goat cheese. … the process was chronicled in a slideshow … during the course of the exhibition, fresh goat cheese made by the artist will ripen and develop a bloomy rind. The alchemy of digestion is considered at several stages: grass by goat, goat milk by rennet, curd by bacillus, cheese by human.”[10]

May 26th, 2016 –

According to “the science of differentiation …
everybody has a unique digestive process. You’re
not here to eat like the next person. And none of this has anything to do with food, funny enough, because it doesn’t. It has to do with digestion and the circumstances and conditions upon which it is best for you to eat.”

October 16th, 2016 –

Both Good Digestion and Digesting Food Well are ongoing requirements for good health and well being. My sense is that better education is needed for both these requirements. I’m responding to that need whenever I see additional contributions that can be made to our Evolving Nutritional Awareness. I believe Ayurvedic Medicine can offer “additional contributions.

“According to Ayurveda, Ojas is the subtle essence that is responsible for life, radiant health, strong immunity, vigor, longevity and overall well being of an individual. The subtle essence called ojas that is extracted from the proper digestion and efficient metabolism of food nourishes the bodily tissues of blood, plasma and lymph, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow, semen and ojas. Ojas also forms the basic material of the five sense organs, ligaments and lubricating fluids. Improper digestion leads to production of ama or toxins in the body. The accumulation of ama/toxins in the bodily tissues is what leads to disease.”[12]


September 4, 2017 – Inspired tonight by listening to Dr. David Jockers (DC) in his interview on the Digestive Health Summit.


Start at the Stomach

Although a small amount of starch is broken down in the mouth, thanks to amylases in your saliva, the stomach is where the first real action is—where powerful chemicals of digestion are mixed with the food mass. If these digestive juices, including hydrochloric acid, pancreatic juice and bile, are in short supply, the whole process gets off to a poor start.

Traditional herbalists all over the globe agree that herbs with a bitter taste tend to promote digestive secretions and speed up digestion. Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is the most popular digestive bitter in Western herbalism. Europeans often drink a bitter aperitif (an ounce or so of a bitter herbal beverage) before the first bite of a meal, to stimulate digestive secretions and keep food passing through rapidly. Bitter herbs reduce gas, bloating, symptoms of food allergies and indigestion. Other bitter digestants include barberry root (Berberis vulgaris), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and artichoke (Cynara scolymus).

Carminative herbs warm up the digestive tract, speed up and increase the thoroughness of digestion, and reduce gas. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), dill (Anethum graveolens), cumin (Cuminum cyminum), caraway (Carum carvi) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) are carminative.”[13]

Also ginger, peppermint, coriander, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary.

Good Digestion!


[1]“Ludwig Feuerbach … was the thinker who … coined the well-known expression, ‘Man is what he eats.’ … this conviction emerged from his completely one-sided, materialistic way of thinking. … Significantly, the birth of the science of nutrition occurred during this time and was therefore dominated by views which considered matter to be the only constituent of man and the world – matter, however, whose essence was understood by no one. … ” :”The Dynamics of Nutrition”:

[2] Her birthday of 25 February 1904 gives her the King of Clubs as her Birth Card in the Destiny Cards. The King of Clubs is “The Master of Knowledge” and “holds everything needed to be an authority in any area they choose”. This birthday also put her on “The Way of Artistry” with a “pitfall” that included “devious”.

[3] Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

[4] http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/enzymes/Enzymes-The-Key-to-Longevity/?utm_sour…


[6] First reference –
Enjoy content-rich (food-for-thought) free videos!:


Second reference –

The down side of digestion includes many “undigestible” things where the physiology of indigestion comes into play during both the active phase of conflicts in the psyche as well as the healing phase once the conflict is resolved.:


Especially see: “Function and Malfunction of the Organs of the Human Digestive System”. In that section is a reference to “strabismus”. Here’s a definition:


[7] http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=36e1929b913daa1ccbf270e27&id=78e3d0caf7&e=cb715dbd8a

[8] http://thesoakedbean.com/2016/03/20/chamomile-bitters/

[9] http://www.christopherhobbs.com/library/articles-on-herbs-and-health/gentian-a-bitter-pill-to-swallow/

[10] http://www.liptonarts.com/digging-deeper/

[11] http://humandesign.wdfiles.com/local–files/start/The%20Differentiation%20Lectures.pdf

[12] https://yachnayoga.wordpress.com/yoga-asans/ojas-tejas-and-prana/

[13] http://www.motherearthliving.com/Health-and-Wellness/digestive-herbs-zm0z12amzdeb


nutrition, digestion, fermented foods, lacto-fermented, dale jacobson, Adelle Davis, Genetically Engineered Foods, gmo foods, gmos, medicine, german new medicine, gastrointestinal, disease, psychology, healing, indigestion, undigestible, strabismus, assimilation, Ayurveda, Ojas, ginger, peppermint, coriander, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, Carminative herbs, Dr. David Jockers, Digestive Health Summit

One thought on “Evolving Nutritional Awareness – By Chef-Doctor Jemichel

  1. Basically, I agree with you.I just like to play devil's advocate to get people to think. I agree with a fair amount of the things I read here, but if I admitted it, I would’t be doing my job, now would I?


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